Whats are your favourite healthy snacks? Mu... - Healthy Eating
Whats are your favourite healthy snacks? Multiple choice poll.
I try not to snack if I can help it. However, I am looking at various healthy snacks to keep in the fridge otherwise it's too easy to grab a bag of crisps or bar of chocolate if I get a fit of the munchies.
Hi everyone, I like healthy snacks and being a coeliac thats very handy, when I go on a car journey I often take a nice big bag of grapes and do like apples pears and bananas mostly.
I like cheese with pickled onions and or dried fruit so I look forward to seeing others choices.

😁Say cheese 😁lol I eat when I’m hungry, so there’s no in between of meals. But I do some times go off my feed and and eat what I don’t usually eat. All this talk of chocolate recently MADE me buy a pack of sweet and salty trail mix. Actually, I lied. It was a bag. 😋Didn’t regret a morsel.
Your new avatar….very GQ. Looking at your watch….I wonder what the story is behind that?🤔😁
Lol @ I lied....I love that you enjoyed every morsel and there is no shame in yo game.
Jerry's avatar reminded me of The guy with the yellow hat in Curious George.
^ Ain't dat a throwback.
Bella, look at you inbox. I'm assuming your alerts aren't working again.
I rarely snack during the day, but often have a small snack before bed. Since it needs to be both gluten free and low carb, my snack of choice is either a handful of nuts or some cheese. Sometimes I’ll have some home made low carb seed crackers or occasionally it will be pork scratchings.
Grapes, prunes, and I love raisins!
Mainly fruit ,if it’s hot weather I love frozen blueberries or mango they taste like the ice lollies with ice cream in the middle ! Savoury I like roast spiced chickpeas .

I love frozen blueberries with ice cream drizzled with maple syrup.

Frozen blueberries with coconut cream!
Call me odd if you wish, but I love a portion of brussel sprouts with a dash of soy sauce and a sprinkling of roasted sesame seeds.
You’re odd. 😁
That sounds really nice Eryl. 👍
Havent snacked for about 2 years. In the past, a homemade smoothie or I would eat a whole avocado around 4pm to keep me going until supper.
I don't really snack. Fruit tends to be part of a meal such as ryvita, cheese and apple for lunch or banana custard for pudding. I'm also partial to Hagen Daas low calorie ice cream pots but again for pudding!
i snack all the time on full fat Cheddar cheese and pineapple.

Grapes 🍇 walnuts , occasionally 2 or 3 pieces of 70% cocoa chocolate & a few raisins.
favourite is crisps
CHEESE…..no cheese Grommit😳
Dried fruit.
Also like grapes, cherries and strawberries.
Raw carrot- with the occasional dip such as hummus

Wonderful poll, @Jerry!
When I have a snack during the day, I may have either nuts, Greek yogurt, fruit, Parm. Crips and/or a snack protein bar. I also have a snack before going to bed which is a Greek yogurt and either a 20 or 30 gram protein bar. This keeps from dropping too much with blood sugar control while sleeping, hopefully.

I find that one of the hardest things, especially since my IBS, but I do find some of the Nudie snacks nice
Just about any fruit, vegetable crudites (carrots, celery, pepper, cucumber) dipped in salsa or home-made tahini soy dip or occasionally 100% crunchy peanut butter (just peanuts), nuts (mainly almonds, cashews, pistacios and pecans), dried apricots or prunes, roasted fava beans or chickpeas, cubes of hard goat cheese, sugarsnap peas, radishes, baby plum (grape) tomatoes. I'm sure there's loads more but that's it currently. I just like variety - it stops me getting bored. I rarely eat bought in snacks, just the occasional 40g bag of popcorn or a 25g bag of salted or salt and vinegar crisps (chips) - most flavoured crisps have wheat as an ingredient in the flavouring. Unless they sell Seabrooks which are gluten free.
My snacks need to be nutrient dense due to my gastric bypass as I can only eat very small meals and don't get enough nutrition if I don't. 😀
A slice of cold chicken or a spoonful of roasted almond butter or tahini
At my age I’m 75 I do love a shortbread biscuit with my coffee in the morning. Other than that If I have anything between meals it’s fruit.
I don't snack, that's why I probably feel lightheaded between meals.
I put apple. Specifically gala or something I haven’t tried. You don’t have edamame. Frozen is a total game changer. 2 min in the microwave and just as good as the restaurant. You can also make unshelled into a healthy snack. So I think you missed a critical, underrated one. 🤓
I am frightened to snack between meals, due to my IBS.
I like nuts and apples and peanut butter with sugar free jelly , does anyone eat icecream
A soft date with a blob of almond butter. Dont know if thats healthy, but shuts me up for a few minutes

I try to not snack but alas I do snack. I voted hummus and olives and other. The other depends on the situation but I do love those cauliflower crisps, also the Nakd bars or Lärabar, or halva which I think is healthy? Sometimes 85% dark chocolate, which is supposed to be healthy.
Full fat greek yogurt
I like to snack on dried mango and other soft fruits such as prunes and dates.
Hi Mr I add soaked chia seeds to yoghurt. Chia seeds fill one up, are nutrient dense and have lots of vitamin. Look up on internet on how to make and use chia seeds.
Hello Amynah what a great combo chia seeds in yoghurt and soaked as you say. We have some recipes with chia seeds on here:
I love how it thickens fruit….😊
I love Nakd bars which contain only fruit & nuts - no grain, no sugar or artificial sweeteners, Each bar counts as 1 of your 5 a day.
Dried fruit as well as fresh.
We don't snack because it important to give the digestive system a rest between proper meals. If you've eaten well you don't need snacks. All too often they contain excessive amounts of sugar.
I don't snack between meals which means I can have a small portion of something sweet or savoury after our evening meal. But if I need to top up painkillers during the day I will take them with a plain biscuit otherwise I get awful indigestion!!
I rarely snack but when I do ...
Hardboiled eggs with a smothering of English mustard 😋.
I try to snack on fruit like bananas, oranges and some raw veg like carrots.
Great Survey.
For a snack I voted for apple, banana, Hummus (rare), Nuts (walnuts are my favorites but in moderation and a nice plain cracker.
You can still enjoy your snacks just make the right choice that is my motto.
You still want to enjoy your food as it is one of the main pleasures in life.
You really got me talking. I really enjoyed being a part of it thanks for making my day.
Hey thanks Lotus-Blossom and one reason. we all enjoy being members is theres one thing better than talking about healthy eating its enjoying eating and healthily. 😊

I agree.

I don’t plan snacks, I prefer to just have regular meals, for me a snack is a back up plan to keep me going if I can’t eat a meal when I’m hungry (usually because a meal gets delayed by work or if I’m out somewhere and not convenient to have a meal) for this I carry some mixed nuts in the car or my bag. If I’m occasionally hungry before bed my go to snack would be Greek yoghurt as I can’t sleep if I’m hungry.