What alternatives to Wheat Flour do you use... - Healthy Eating
What alternatives to Wheat Flour do you use? Multiple choice.
Please select all that apply:
Buckwheat to add to granola and quiche s
Which quiches do you use the buckwheat flour in as an ingredient?
I use chick pea flour and cornflour.
i only use the traditional white self raising flour.
Mcdougals plain flour 🤣
Just the ordinary white SF and Plain flour for us Leah.
I just don't bake. I use oatmeal, but only for the recipes it was intended for.
That's okay. What flavors of oatmeal do you have each time?
Are there different flavours of oatmeal?
This seems a strange question. Manufacturers pollute natural whole foods with "flavours", usually involving sugars and often the sneaky "natural flavors", but I would hope anyone interested in healthy eating would eat unadulterated whole foods, maybe mixed with other foods (even sugars), but not buying flavored varieties.
The other flour that I use is rice flour. I don’t have flaxseed flour but I do have crushed flaxseed that I have in my porridge.
Hi Leah this is a great poll as I eat lots of alternatives to wheat, so I ticked almond flaxseed garbanzo beans (Gram flour in the UK) quinoa and other because I use tapioca starch rice flour potato flour corn flour buckwheat flour as they use a mix of flours for gluten free flour mixes. 🙂
Thank you for the great information on the different types of flour, Hidden . Very helpful. I didn't know gram flour was garbanzo beans flour in the UK.
Thanks for saying that about the poll, too. I appreciate it very much.
Hey you're welcome Leah, Garbanzo beans are called chick peas over here. 😊

I was in a store that sold gram flour, chickpea flour and garbanzo bean flour. Different brands, fortunately. I think the garbanzo was from the USA (Red Mill?). Sadly they didn't have any besan (yeah, same thing)
Think I’ve used coconut flour for brownies
That sounds wonderful. Does the coconut flour have their own recipe or do you use the coconut flour as a substitution for other flours?
I use coconut flour all the time. It is naturally gluten free and is obviously grain free. The brand I buy is also organic. When making a recipe you can't simply substitute coconut flour for "normal" flour. They are quite different and measures are different. You need to use recipes which specifically use coconut flour to get an accurate measure.
Only wheat flour , but I don’t use it much .
I use Dove gluten free self raising flour for baking and gram flour for coating meat or fish.
What meat and fish do you use the Dove Gluten Free flour on when cooking?
I make a batter using an egg, a few spoons of gram flour and milk. Dip any fish eg. Cod, haddock or hake in this batter then take it out and place fish on plate with gram flour and coat both sides.
Gluten free flour with multiple grains etc
I haven't tried coconut and almond yet but it's on my list
There's a few different types of Almond flour that can be used. I use the gluten free and lower carb. version, Imaaan . Haven't had a chance to use the coconut flour, yet either, but I enjoy eating coconut either in a dessert or as a topping/Greek yogurt flavor.
Thanks for the heads up hun. I've been hesitant with the almond cuz it has goitergenic properties and I need all the help with my thyroid...lol.
Coconut in yogurt sounds yummy.
Depending on what brand you get for yogurt that's Greek, some make the yogurt blended with the coconut. Others have actual pieces of coconut that you have to mix from the bottom and you can either use that for topping or use it as it is-- dessert/eat on the side.
If you want to try almond flour, please consult the doctor, first to be on the safe side.
In addition to flaxseed and quinoa, I use buckwheat, sorghum and millet. Much to my delight, I can make delightful chapatis with a buckwheat and quinoa blend.
Wholemeal Spelt and Rye flours for bread. Also spelt for banana muffins and biscuits. Buckwheat flour for pancakes and the roasted groats as an alternative to rice/quinoa or for a vegetarian kasha dish. I also use besan (chickpea flour) for making pancakes called besan chilla or pudla which are a popular breakfast dish in India. I also use cornflour and make my own oat flour from wholegrain oats as well.
I don't use alternative
I'm allergic to gluten so use, gram, almond and any gluten free flours.
I use almond flour the most because I have a gluten sensitivity and I also count carbs.. Almond flour is one of the lower carb. flours that are both and help me when I bake/cook with it.
Have you tired Nigella Lawsons lemon polenta cake with almond flour? My god its so good. Add a few raspberries or blueberries to mix it up a bit. Non GF eaters love it too.
I don’t know if it’s out by where I am, but I can check for the next trip to the store in the next few weeks.😀👍
I dont avoid wheat for any reason, but like to experiment with different flours and to include lots of different types for a varied and healthy diet. Chickpea makes a good vegan omelette and buckwheat a tasty pancake.
What do you bake/cook with the coconut flour?
To be honest I haven’t used it yet. I bought it because I was surprised to see it and must try it out. I’ll do something tomorrow and report back. 🤥
I use coconut flour to make banana bread, brownies and coconut & lemon cake. I also use it to make a crispy coating for chicken drumsticks/home made nuggets etc. Simply mix some dried herbs plus sea salt and black pepper into the flour. There are loads of recipes on the internet and I also downloaded a couple of cheap ebooks from Amazon. It is very versatile.
Spelt Flour, love home made bread with it
I've bought some coconut flour, but I haven't used it yet. Don't suppose anyone has any tried & trusted recipes using it, that they'd be willing to share, please? 😊

I said almond and Garbanzo bean, but don’t actually use the flour. I use ground almonds or chickpeas (Garbanzo beans) instead of flour. Usually in chocolate cake. They come out pretty unleavened, more like a torte, but very nice. You can use chickpeas straight from the can. I’ve had cakes made using chestnut flour but never bought chestnut flour myself.
Since I gave up grains, I have dabbled with various replacements, but honestly, I really haven't found the need for anything in my diet that would have been made with flour.
Surprised "nothing" wasn't an option.
I just use wheat flour, it doesn't cause me any problems.

What I use, depends on what I'm cooking. For everyday I have coconut or almond flour. For cakes/bakes, I use a GF flour mix. I sometimes use corn flour or rice flour if the situation calls for it.
I never had to use any other flour so I guess that's why I didn't try them. If my diet or my family diet would have to change, I'm all for it. Change is good especially if it does benefit your health 💯 😌 .
White & wholemeal Spelt.. & wholemeal Rye. 🌾
What do you cook/bake with them?😀👍
🍞..mostly Sourdough (with my own rye starter); pastry (for quiches, etc) & muffins; basically whatever calls for flour that I’m making. 🍰 🧁 🥖
Regret I don't bake and am allergic to wheat.
Coconut flour although it needs more eggs.
Don't use any at all.
I use coconut flour all the time both for baking and general cooking.
Almond, Rice and Maize flours.
That’s great. I will have to try the Maize flour when it’s possible. What do you bake with it?😀👍
Maize flour is cornflour (cornstarch) In UK corn is Wheat, so I differentiate to avoid confusion.
It's a little more complicated than that. Though traditionally corn meant any grain (indeed any small particle), it generally only means maize now. The one exception is corn flour, which though it's usually made from corn, could be made from wheat or another grain. It's the sauce thickener that is called corn starch in the US.
Any other ground corn that might be called corn flour elsewhere, would be called cornmeal, maize meal or polenta.
I eat low carb whole foods, so no breads/baking etc-- and I don't try to find alternatives. I understand and can appreciate that a lot of people enjoy trying to recreate foods in different ways that they would otherwise need to avoid for health reasons, but it's not my approach generally. I kept hearing how fantastically versatile almond flour is, so I bought some thinking I would use it, but it is languishing in the cupboard for the time being. I will make sure it gets used at some point!
I mainly use ground almonds to make my bread. But very occasionally I use gram flour, coconut flour or buckwheat flour, when I’m doing a bit of experimenting.
I rarely make anything that calls for flour. But if one of those rare times arrive, i use the old standby white self rising stuff. Then I seal what’s left of the flour in a freezer bag and store it in the freezer. I heard it keeps those bugs from popping up. Lol I hope freezing it isn’t an old wives tale.
Sorry I completely forgot about your question. I can't eat whiteflour, so I use spelt flour as substitute for white flor - white sauce, biscuits, cakes, etc. - the Waitrose brand is cheaper and very nice. Hope it helps. Morrison also has spelt bread and it is very good taste.