What type of nuts do you eat that are your ... - Healthy Eating
What type of nuts do you eat that are your favorites? Multiple choice.
Please select all that apply:
Brazil nuts. Cobnuts when they are in season.
What is a cobnut, Nimrod2 ? I don't think we had them out here. 😀👍🥜
They are similar to hazelnuts in size but don't taste the same. Grown in Kent and I can remember going out to pick them as a child They are in season now.
Also known as filberts.
I was Educated in Kent (a Boarding School) and remember these well... Fresh off the Tree was best....... IF you could 'Crack' them!
Are they like acorns, AndrewT ?
Heck NO! Acorns are Poisonous, how 'sick' you get depends on how you prepare them🤮. These are a 'Delightful', slightly Dry nut, with a nice (NICE! Holy Smoke Andrew!!!!) 'soft' flavour. DO Try these, you won't be disappointed.
Cob Nuts can, sometimes, 'turn up' in 'Mixed Nuts', so if you 'Find' a Nut- similar in seize to a Hazelnut, but with a Slightly Drier Texture, you may well Have one (It's ALWAYS a 'Treat' too find a Cob Nut).
Happy 'Hunting'
I'm very allergic to nuts
Roasted almonds are a favourite and as a nut butter too. And brazil nuts and chestnuts.
I eat walnuts, cashews, almonds and peanuts. They are recommended by several internet sites I monitor, as being good for heart health. I don't much like them as they are unsalted and unsweetened, but allegedly they help you eat less of potentially more harmful foods. I usually eat them with my daily dietary treat: a carefully weighed sliver* of very harmful but delicious cake (*within the recommended added sugar guidelines!)If you buy Fairtrade nuts, as I try to if available, they can be quite pricey.

Pine nuts and pistachios
Hi Debs,
I like pine nuts-- especially when they're turned into hummus. We actually had some pine nut hummus and almonds last night with dinner. Both very good! I haven't had pistachios in a while, but I will have to see if we can get them onto the list for the next store pick up/order.
Pistachios. Ooooooo. Have stopped buying them tho 😭. Can't stop til they've all gone 🐷
In addition to the above, I also like peanuts and pistachios.
Edit - I like chestnuts too.
All 3 sound good to me and I haven't had chestnuts in a long time. The other two are some of my favorites, too.
Yes, they are really nice aren't they and I haven't had chesnuts in a while either but I do have a pouch of them here ready to make into a soup! 😋
I also like pistachio and groundnuts.
Brazils and pistachios are favourites
Dont really have a fave.
How about peanuts! They are closely associated with baseball and football games (while watching on television at home)!
Brasil nuts, they're high in selenium which is good for the immune system, though be careful not to overdose.

I eat walnuts every day for the benefit of magnesium & usually with a salad or sometimes as a snack. So I suppose they must be my favourites. In the summer time I eat ground up cashews in a recipe. And very occasionally I’m tempted to have a spoonful of ground Almonds.
Do you put the ground up almonds on as a topping for other food? I eat walnuts, cashews, almonds and peanuts either on salads or in parfaits and/or desserts/snacks.
Two of my favourites at the top three, cashews and walnuts! Brazil nuts sometimes for selenium!
I love pistachios. I have tried pine nuts not my favorite ☹️ i love acorns as well 👍
Pecans, Cashews, Almonds. If I'm eating them as nuts I prefer my peanuts raw. I don't like walnuts, they're taste bitter to me. Brazils are too fatty for my stomach and I occasionally enjoy pistacios and hazelnuts.
All of the above & all of the types of nuts listed in everyone’s comments, plus.. coconuts, at every maturation stage! 🌴 🥥 😋 Oh.. & the nickname everyone uses for me.. “ 🥜 “ ! 😁

All of the above except macadamia but the list missed my favourite - Brazil nuts
I love all nuts but can only eat the easy to chew ones I love peanut butter 😊the new marmite one 🙄
Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts
Hi Leah what a great poll I love almonds so they're my fave nut but I also really like cashew hazelnuts walnuts and I really like nut luncheon made with peanuts.
Nuts are a great source of protein and nutrition and are an important part of my diet. 😊
Hi Hidden ,
Thank you for saying that about the poll. I appreciate that very much.
I really enjoy a lot of different nuts and I try to add them to my meals/snacks whenever I can. I think it's a 3-way tie when it comes to peanuts, almonds and cashews as being my favorites when eating nuts. I usually add peanuts and almonds to my salads now and then. I had some almonds in my salad last night when we had hummus for dinner. Really good!
My all-time favourites from childhood have to be Almonds. But who cannot fail to be charged by pistachios or cashews when they are available behind the bar.
Alas now though my dentist frowns if I try to eat anything harder than porridge, for fear of damaging my teeth. 🤐
Do you crush the almonds, pistachios and cashews up so you don't have to chew them?
Peanut butter a big favourite, no added fat or sugar varieties
I mostly eat cashews, almonds and peanuts as evening snacks. I tend to add walnuts to meals like baked avocado with cheddar and walnuts. I sometimes eat a spoonful or two of peanut butter when I’m hungry too.
I don't eat nuts now but before I loved Cashew nuts.
Add Brazil nuts to the mix. I try to eat a small handful of mixed unsalted nuts a day. Good for you & a healthy snack.
Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts. I milk made out of them yet? I think that would be so creamy!
None at all, dislike all nuts.
Love Brazil's as well 👍
brazils are my favourites
Salted Peanuts
I voted for hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts. I like my nuts but in moderation. But I know my food as I weigh them out to make sure I get the right portion and I don't have to much of the good stuff
Another great healthy survey.
This sounds good to me. I use almonds and walnuts along with peanuts on salads and on the side with meals and/or snacks. I eat hazelnuts when they are in a mixture. Do you put the walnuts and almonds in with recipes or just have them as a snack now and then?
Thank you for responding. I have walnuts as a healthy snack or in a salad. The rest I mainly have in cereals. But I must get more creative with the nuts with my meals.
You’re welcome!😀👍
Have you tried putting some nuts in a noodle meal and mix them in? We do a noodle/peanut dinner sometimes when we have all the ingredients
(spaghetti/peanuts and sauce). 😀👍🥜
Any nut as long as they’re double coated in dark chocolate 🍫 . Otherwise, macadamia.
Regret, I am allergic to nuts so don't eat them, although I love them! As usual its always the foods we love that we can't eat due to some allergic reaction!
Brazil, almonds, walnuts eaten as a side entree.
I love roasted Chestnuts...... Mmmmm Reminds me of Christmas in Oxford street, College days 🌰 🎄
dry roasted
I love nuts but need to avoid them except in very limited occasional amounts. They have a high energy and as someone who needs a very low Kcal intake, they are just too much. Disabled people who have restricted occasions for movement and energy expenditure often need to exercise an extraordinary amount of discipline to manage our weight.

I can’t eat whole nuts except chestnuts which are soft. I used to buy chestnut soup, so delicious. Also I buy the Nakd cashew cookie bars which actually contain only cashews and dates, no cookies, so I figure they’re fairly healthy and a good snack. Sometimes I buy smooth peanut butter.
I like salted pistachios dry roasted peanuts and chilli nuts mixed together for a lot of flavour
Just mixed up with the other nuts as a snack I like the variety of textures from the different nuts the chilli ones are a little bit spicy but not too much