Why did you choose a healthy diet...πŸπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ... - Healthy Eating

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Why did you choose a healthy diet...πŸπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ“ one choice and please say what other is.

108 Voters
Weight loss
Healthy heart, lower cholesterol
Get fitter
Lower risk of type 2 diabetes
Improve self esteem/better physique
Reduce risk of cancer
Set a good example to children/family
34 Replies
alchemilla12 profile image

for all the above - its a bit of a no brainer as the reasons are in the description " healthy " ;-)

why would one not choose to be healthy?!

HOBIEONE profile image

I have BEEN T1 diabetic since the age of 3. Now in my 50s. Give it a go if you like needles ?

Chellemo profile image

I voted "other" this is because I'm choosing to eat healthy in order to lower my blood pressure which can cause kidney problems amongst other things.

HOBIEONE profile image
HOBIEONE in reply to Chellemo

T1 & T2 should be two different illnesses ? You can do something if T2. None are good but I have two of my friends off all meds for T2.

Scottiedottie profile image

To get rid of diabetes which I've d one

MTCee profile image

I could have picked all of the categories really. But in particular I chose a healthy diet because I've seen what an unhealthy diet does to people........especially those closest to me.

Hilly22 profile image

All those reasons :-)

mdr1000 profile image

My 'Other' was 'All of the above!'

Annmarie76 profile image

I find eating plenty of fruit and veg helps me to feel better in myself. I’m lucky in that I have retired so I can spend time cooking using good fresh ingredients. I have to curb my sweet tooth though! Xx

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply to Annmarie76

don't ya think once in awhile treat is ok?<I had a quad bypass which failed a year later and 4 stents.All blood work ekgs ok...boom.before it even happened i didn't at all eat, bread, any sauce including ketchup, cheese(which i loved but quit)....120lbs....genetics.surgeons just shook their heads...now i plan a treat because...life is too short.Not every day....than I'm done.Is eating healthy twerked to genetic needs?

stevestel profile image

Other - to help minimize impact of autoimmune disorder - Sjogren's Syndrome

GoogleMe profile image

All of the above except self-esteem. Aside from feeling empowered to do something you want to do, I'd have concerns about linking self-esteem and diet (for health cf ethics) There seems to be a fair bit of dysfunctional eating around based on that. Even the word 'clean'....

But I'd also add that because it is often more satisfying - to prepare, to look at, and in terms of taste.

wobblypat profile image
wobblypatHigh Risk

I would choose all of the above. I recently had a brain injury which left me with permanent brain damage - loss of mobility and fine motor control. I always ate healthily, but needed some way to take control of my life again.

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply to wobblypat

wobbly pat, i commend your attitude and thanks for sharing.I have MS also along with the heart.Now i find in controlling life, change is constant..and i have a hard time with the inevitable.are you into art, hobbies what is your balance factor.I ask because trying more for that fun back that has been taken, i have to readjust.With MS i can relate a bit with you, hope the best...take the rest?

wobblypat profile image
wobblypatHigh Risk in reply to jackiesj

Thanks for replying. My balance problems mean I cannot stand for more than a few seconds without falling over, so trying to walk is 'interesting' I used to do lot of craft work, but lack of muscle control and arthritis in my wrists have narrowed my options somewhat. I still do what I can though. I try to keep mentally active, though this, at time's can be very hard. I have an extremely supportive husband who, apart from the obvious care, make me laugh when I am down and rejoices with me when I am happy.

I am very lucky, and this helps me through the bad times.

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply to wobblypat

so do you have a good sturdy walker with arms?For me, i noticed chair exercises where i didn't have to get up and take a chance on falling, really helped my coordination.I have some ear issues that contribute to that wobbly.Scooters seem like a good option for many.best wishes jj

ClareCrip profile image

Because it’s the kind of food I enjoy! Loath chips, batter, anything fatty and greasy. I like food that tastes good, has texture, bears a strong resemblance to the original ingredients. Processed food just doesn’t taste good to me.

niretro profile image

Apart from wanting to be healthy, it fits in with my vegetarian lifestyle. Healthier food choices often seem to be the more ethical choices too. :-)

Cooper27 profile image

My transition has been gradual. I chose to eat healthier because I was aware how unhealthy my diet was, and I read a bit into nutrition to encourage myself to eat good food, less junk. I didn't have health complaints initially, other than being a bit overweight. Now my diet has really cleaned up, as I do have health complaints, and I think my diet will reverse those!

jackiesj profile image

I was all the above and just decided to lower on bread, cheese sauces etc.Come to find out i ended up no warning...a quad bypass at 120 pounds , i mention this because genetics play such a key.Also balance, not abuse of foods..enjoyment mean a lot since ive been on one side and how much did it do for me....A good routine means so much.Eating healthy does too.Once in awhile you have to stop and smell the roses(or chocolate)...

alchemilla12 profile image
alchemilla12 in reply to jackiesj

actually there is so much research these days to show that genetics plays a smaller role than first thought as we can modify our genetic expression through life style changes. google " epigenetics ".We are not the victims of our genes as we used to think

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star

I voted "other" to help with my illnesses. I got very sick at a young age

sunny369 profile image

really would be all of the above ; )

Lundu2o profile image

Really to loose weight improve body to move easier. Look better too.

poseymint profile image

I quit sugar and increased vegetables to lose weight and reduce inflammation. Lost 20kg. My joints feel better and I can exercise now! I went vegetarian last year and my cholesterol, A1c numbers came down. I have Lupus, Sjogrens- diet hasn't cured it but I believe it has really helped.

deejames profile image

I certainly can't choose one out of a list that includes many of my reasons for eating in a healthy manner. I don't imagine I am alone in not being able to isolate a single reason.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to deejames

You'll see what I have said. You are not alone.

lawli56 profile image

Primarily for weight loss but all the others apply.

Isn't that obvious that people want to eat healthy for all the benefits it will bring?

Fioona profile image

I want to live a long and healthy life and I believe that is gained by ALL of the reasons for choosing a healthy diet, so that's why I voted "other".

Tibblington profile image

I looked at the choice of reasons for a while before deciding that we haven't ever done our shopping according any one of the reasons given so was bound to vote "other".

Our food is based upon it being sourced where possible, from organic production for the reason that we try to avoid tampered food. We never buy manufactured food. if it comes in a packet we question it and read the ingredients. As I have said many times, our milk is direct from the cow and our bread made with our own stone milled organic flour.

While in the supermarket the other day I caught sight of a packet of sliced wholemeal bread and decided to look at the ingredients; they were listed as follows:

White flour 36%, Wholemeal flour 17%, Wheat bran 5%, Sugar, Rape Seed oil, Soya flour, Rye flour, Wheat Germ 0.7%, Trace of Milk, Calcium Propionate, Sodium Stearoloyl-2-lactylate, Starch, Emulsifiers, Mono - and Di-glycerides of Fatty acids, Preservative, Raising agent (not mentioned as yeast).

They have the nerve to call it wholemeal when it contains only 17% of wholemeal flour and I don't see any water. Bread is flour, yeast salt and water, nothing more.

Is it really surprising that people have allergies or fall victim to some other horrible disease when they are buying this rubbish without even looking at the ingredients which are only put there to satisfy the regulations.

I could go on but.......................

KylaC profile image

I chose other as I have RA and wanted to loose weight, get fitter, improve mobility, decrease cvd risk etc

Fran182716 profile image

I have some health conditions, none of them major, but all of them better managed if I eat healthily. So the better I eat the better I feel. I wish I could lose weight from healthy eating alone but I just maintain by "intuitive" healthy eating so have to count calories to lose weight.

Activity2004 profile image

To control blood sugars from going too high and feel better/weight loss/eating healthy.