Do you have a food allergy or food intolera... - Healthy Eating

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Do you have a food allergy or food intolerance? This is a multiple choice poll.

55 Voters

Please select all that apply:

44 Replies
JoanneSH65 profile image


HOBIEONE profile image

A T1 diabetic for 52years. Love seafood, Milk & Eggs Nuts. A varied diet.

andyrrc profile image


cherv profile image

Dairy products, thank heavens for lactose pills or I would really miss my ice cream.

Dannijca profile image

What should I vote If I have no allergies?

ShootingStars profile image

I have Hashimoto's, so I don't eat gluten, soy, and rarely dairy. Gluten, soy and dairy are all inflammatory. When you have an autoimmune disease, you need to keep inflammation at bay. Nightshades are inflammatory, so I don't eat them either. I've never been a sugar eater. I don't eat sugar, fake sugar, and rarely eat honey. Why spike insulin and then have a crash? I prefer to keep my blood sugar level by eating a combination of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates every meal.

Tibblington profile image

I have no allergies or intollerences.

I am really not surprised to see the results and the huge number of people who have an intollerence to dairy products. We are being fed tampered food. Milk is pasteurised, separated, before some or all of the cream is added again following which it is homogenised. It is a white drink NOT milk. Many years ago I had a slight intollerence to milk but once I started getting our milk direc tfrom the cow without any treatment I no longer had an intollerence. My intollerence was an increase in mucus causing deafness.

The milk industry maintain that their treatments are for our benefit and safety; what absolute rubbish! Do you see dairy farmers going down with illness, they obviously drink their own cows' milk. No, the processing industry is there to make money nothing else.

If we went back to eating basic organic food many of our ills would disappear. The day will surely come when mankind will cease to exist. I won't be here.

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to Tibblington

Totally agree with your point on organic foods. Being vegan all I pretty much eat is fruit & vegetables so I buy organic. If I can’t buy it organic I don’t buy it at all.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Tibblington

The majority of adults in the world are lactose intolerant. It’s a genetic fluke if you can digest dairy.

Agoodenough profile image

I have no intolerances so I didn’t select anything. Although I feel sluggish and horrible if I eat too much bread.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Agoodenough

Did you get tested for gluten intolerance?

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to Activity2004

No I have never been tested. I don’t think I’m intolerant to gluten but it makes me feel heavy and fat but doesn’t everyone feel like that after eating bread/pasta/rice?

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Agoodenough

Not for me personally. If I don’t eat gluten free bread, pasta, etc., then I have horrible cramps that make me not able to move easily.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Agoodenough

Are you eating white bread? If so I'm not surprised that you describe sluggishness. If you eat real bread that should not be a problem any more. The bran of the wheat which exists in proper bread is important in our diet as it contains gums which are good for bowel action. (I quote a consultant surgeon specialising in the digestive tract) The bread industry don't like it because it makes it more difficult for them to make their evil rubbish.

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to Tibblington

No I never have white bread, generally I make spelt soda bread or buy multi seed brown bread.

mascotty02 profile image

Sadly I cannot eat chocolate anymore, they give me ulcers in the roof of my mouth and bleeding gums, I suppose it serves me right for being a chocoholic when I was younger.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to mascotty02

It's the sugar that is probably causing your problem. If I dare to eat digestive biscuits they make my mouth tingle because of their high sugar content.

Annmarie76 profile image

I’m not allergic to anything but if I eat anything with sugar in it, then, I get restless legs, very uncomfortable.

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to Annmarie76

I’ve had that it’s horrible isn’t it. I get it if I haven’t been for a long walk or at least I thought that was the cause.

Annmarie76 profile image
Annmarie76 in reply to Agoodenough

I use the power plate at the gym, it seems to help or maybe it’s the exercise?

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Annmarie76

I find that very interesting; thank you.

niretro profile image

Seafood allergy.

Also onions (even the smell of them), trigger facial pain, breathing difficulty, and migraine.

Mimirossi profile image

I am intolerant to coffee, tea, red wine and some white wines. I get a very itchy throat if I eat walnuts. I am allergic to citrus fruits and their biproducts, such as citric acid etc.

diana_w profile image

Soy is another one many have trouble with.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to diana_w

Not too surprising; there is an interesting article at: Frankly I regard it as manufactured food and won't go near it.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Tibblington

I just noticed that I seem to have left out the w's: It should be:

diana_w profile image
diana_w in reply to Tibblington

That's wise of you!!!

There's a number of reason's I avoid it like the plague. It causes inflammation all through my body (I have osteoarthritis) and if that weren't enough there's been studies that show it can accelerate the growth of cancer cells.

Will go check out your link!

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to diana_w

I’m not sure soy is good to be honest. I try and avoid it where possible. It’s so overly processed and I don’t think it does you any good.

in reply to Agoodenough

Soy is one thing that I worry about as my body likes it compared to dairy, so I have soy cream sometimes.

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to

Well I have read mixed reviews but it doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe you could have a go at making some seed cream with vanilla or maybe I will and I will tell you if it’s worth a try. Cashew cream is an easy quick alternative and if you have a decent blender you don’t need to soak the nuts. I have tried soya cream and it’s very nice 👍

in reply to Agoodenough

I like the sound of seed cream and will have to check out cashew cream, so thanks for that Ali. 😊

Anjiehealth profile image

Shellfish allergy

Dairy makes me quite phlegmy.

lawli56 profile image

Intolerant of wheat and lactose. Caffeine gives me palpitations and sugar gives me dumping syndrome (side effect of gastric bypass like the lactose intolerance, fat malabsorption and B12 deficiency).

HOBIEONE profile image

Don't think I have any allergies to those.

Lindypop profile image

Thankfully I have no allergies or intolerances to food. Am surprised you didn't include a 'none' box too. x

Rockapple profile image

I was goling to tick eggs, but didn't as I can eat the yolks but not the whites.

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star

Great poll Jerry, I am not suprised Dairy is in the lead. We should show this to the doctors as they think "it's in our heads"

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Kitten-whiskers

I've already commented on dairy above; the trouble is that we are not given pure dairy food, the food industry has to tamper with it. It's pasteurisation which ruins dairy food and often makes people intollent.

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star in reply to Tibblington

Or maybe you could say its not meant for humans and in such vast quantities as well. If you think how much milk is consumed by a single person every day - its not a suprise our bodies react, its not only whats being drunk but Milk is in so many foods.

The food industry have have a lot to answer for as well, I quite agree

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Dairy has a lot to answer for. Keep it for the baby calf’s I say 🐄

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star in reply to Agoodenough

Very well said. I couldn't agree more

Tibblington profile image

There's an interesting subject which was first talked about in the 30s which helped a lot people with intollerences. It's Called Food Combining. If you think it could be of interest I'll get a short article together for you.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Tibblington

I've just found that there is an article all about Food Combining if you go to: which saves me the trouble of going through the book that's mentioned.

I hope that might help some of you.

2412 profile image

I'm intolerant to some things on Fodmap