What do you do to let off steam and get rid... - Healthy Eating

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What do you do to let off steam and get rid of stress? This is a multiple choice poll. 💃

106 Voters

Please select all that apply:

26 Replies
DartmoorDumpling profile image

Other: You forgot to mention cuddle a dog or stroke a cat, or even brush a pony.....

Annmarie76 profile image

Go to the gym then visit my grandchildren. An hour of I spy with Charlie reduces me to helpless giggles xx

Vickytom profile image

I go to costa, or Caffè Nero . Can be seen most weekends cycling to yet another coffee shop! Caffeine junky ! Only skinny milk mind you!!

niretro profile image

I watch films - takes my mind off the world.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to niretro

What movies/films do you like watching?

justinesykes profile image

...or I meditate; always helps to bring me back to a level and calm place.

ClareCrip profile image

3 things, I am a Quaker and I find our Meeting for Worship, held in silence and generally lasting 1 hour, immensely helpful when I’m stressed. There is usually something, a reading or other spoken ministry that “speaks to my condition “. Secondly, I garden, that might just mean sitting watching the activity in the pond on occasions, listening to birdsong, weeding, planting, etc. And thirdly I read.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to ClareCrip

What's your favorite book/magazine to read?

ClareCrip profile image
ClareCrip in reply to Activity2004

Don’t have a single favourite book really. The one I return to regularly to dip in and out of would be Quaker Faith and Practice, but I read a wide mixture of factual, biography, politics, economics, and novels, both serious and light. I belong to the RHS and read the magazine issued to members “The Garden” every month. I enjoy experiencing new books and ideas.

Cockneyblue profile image
CockneyblueHigh Risk

I talk to my sister, she’s always there at the end of a phone mostly, as we live 100 miles apart. She never lets me down.

Sleep..........sleep it all way!

andyswarbs profile image

I don't tend to feel these things. But yoga helps de-stress me.

Tunisia1 profile image

I have a really good cry.

ReidfordG profile image

I just think how much better off I am since I turned my back on religion and became a Humanist

castiggy profile image

I do something creative like knitting or painting.

cherv profile image

I like to walk when the weather permits soon that will come, for now clean the house from top to bottom so I can enjoy the spring and summer months . Garden and play with my dog. Babysitty the grand kids a couple times a weeks doing the home work which is so complex, baths, cooking and some cleaning their house. Summer come PLEASE for exercise and destress!

I find that talking to friends helps so much with de-stressing. I also love walking in the outdoors but haven't done this much lately as DartmoorDumpling will understand as Devon has been the wettest place this past Winter, no surprise there. I find the weather can sometimes make me stressed as I hate the Winter; I don't like the short days.

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumpling in reply to

I recommend a good pair of neoprene wellies and a large pile of old towels to clean the dog with! Don't fret, spring is here, the lambs are arriving and the grass has finally started to grow again, and the nights are drawing out.

rangers1963 profile image

Run after a three year old and a 9 month old, gets you moving

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to rangers1963

That's where most of my exercise is coming from these days, too. My 2.5 year old Nephew loves to move around the house and his baby sister. I walk around the house with the baby in my arms so she can take a nap.

rangers1963 profile image

Chase after a three year old and a nine month old when their mum works,

bhr17 profile image

Punching bag in my garage!!!!!!

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60Gluten Free

For "other" I might do some well overdue tidying, probably related to the item I have lost and become stressed about it. And if I went online it would be to delete as many emails as I could. Ideally for starters, I'd like to get down to 100 on each email address.

Justlooking profile image

Other - have a drink.

Activity2004 profile image

I walk around at my job and love to read books when it's possible to get rid of stress. I also go on-line.

Ann-e profile image

The kitchen is my domain when i need to let of steam i just cook and cook most of the day no one comes near the kit hen when i am in there most of the day. But they always reep the benefits 🤣🤣🤣🤣