Which choices do you make when supermarket ... - Healthy Eating

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Which choices do you make when supermarket shopping? This is a multiple choice poll.

134 Voters
Staffed checkout
Self service check out
Home delivery
Large 24 hour fully stocked branch
Small local branch
Walk to supermarket
Travel over 5 miles to supermarket
21 Replies
mascotty02 profile image

I travel as there is only a small store where I live, and also prefer staffed check out assistants

alchemilla12 profile image

I live 1 mile away from nearest shop so get home delivery from one that stocks the most organic products.( I also get a weekly organic veg box delivered)

lawli56 profile image

I generally go to the bigger ones as they stock more wheat and lactose free and vegetarian foods, pulses, grains and vegetables. I also shop online if I can't get what I want in store e.g 5 spice tofu.

Rienij70 profile image

Order on line.

Tibblington profile image

We travel five miles because we have no other choice and use the supermarket with the items we want. We shop for vegetables in our street market twice a week; they have fewer food-miles, often organic and are by consequence fresher. We would never shop on line because we don't want somebody else to choose our food for us.

Has anyone noticed that the PHE/NHS food recommendations have changed? They now say that saturated fats are good, to include cheese, and butter and that whole milk is best. I have had a year-long battle with Duncan Selbie, CEO of Public Health England, over this and he always maintained that I was wrong, now it seems that they agree with those of us who have always said that saturated fats are O.K. The next step is to get them to condemn polyunsatured seed oils; that will take another year!


Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716Prediabetic in reply to Tibblington

Have they published this somewhere? Would be interested to read 😀

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Fran182716

Hello Fran182716.

Yes, this has been published in the BMJ at the end of 2017 and you can read that at: bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/15/... As I have said previously, I had been having a long running battle lasting over a year with Duncan Selbie, the CEO of PHE/NHS, who had stubbornly refused to accept or consider any of the opinions or evidence from some very much respected specialists on heart disease. Even when I referred this BMJ article to him he still replied that he was going to take the advice of the SACN (Scientific Advisory Committe on Nutrition). When I found a list of the members of the SACN I discovered that of the 23 members 17 had vested interests in either the processed food and drinks industry or the pharmaceutical industry. You can see this list at: healthscams.org.uk/sacn-mem... Can one really be surprised at the advice given by this committee?

There has also been a detailed article about this this sudden change in the Daily Mail and this can be read at: dailymail.co.uk/health/arti... In particular I notice that the Kellogs Corn Flakes have been replaced by Scotts Porridge Oats not to mention the comments about dairy products. Previously PHE had recommended that young children from the age of 2 years should be given skimmed milk; an absolute disgrace as the fat in whole milk plays a very important part in brain development of young children as well as butter and other animal fats.

I have mentioned a Saturated Fats article before but perhaps you haven't seen it so I repeat the link here: healthscams.org.uk/saturate... I hope I have given you the references you require.

Best wishes Tibbly

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716Prediabetic in reply to Tibblington

Thankyou, its a conversation I have had with people who looked very confused when I said recent science has shown saturated fat not to be the demon we previously thought. It's very helpful to have a reputable link. 😀

Rockapple profile image
Rockapple in reply to Tibblington

I hadn't realised they'd been recommending skimmed milk for small children. I'd always thought the advice was to use full fat, at least up to age 3 or 5 (can't remember which now...my children are grown-up).

Over the decades they are always changing advice...I happened to come across a magazine or book article from perhaps the '20s or '30's which said not to give very small children apples (can't remember why now). But that is one of the very things that they say is good for small children, stewed, before they have teeth.

I would hate to be pregnant now...although the 'B' supplements you're supposee to eat, you're not supposed to eat a variety of other things. Thank goodness they never said all this when I was expecting my children, it would drive me mad. I just ate as normal and none of my children seemed to get food allergies or whatever else their reasons are.

Rockapple profile image
Rockapple in reply to Tibblington

Yes, I much prefer to choose my own fesh food.

And you are right about butter etc...they keep changing about everything. I've decided, as with most things, everything but in moderation. My dad's reached the age of 91 having eaten much of what is supposed to be bad for you (including things like bread and dripping (proper dripping, not the stuff you buy in supermarkets)

Lindypop profile image

I WISH I could walk to a supermarket, but they're all too far away. Have to use internet or rely on someone taking me as I don't have a car, & would need 4 buses there & back, & as am shopping for a family of 5, couldn't carry enough gor the week in one trip if busing it either! Got a small 'local' Co-op, but that's a mile away & the prices are extortionate & what it stocks is very limited. Hate self service tills...they always seem to go wrong at least once per transaction, so always go to manned tills now.

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60Gluten Free

Main shop is online, top ups would be small supermarket 5 miles away and large one 9 miles away using my own basket as I'm very limited with carrying & cant use the supermarket trolleys. I always use staffed checkout as there's too much bending in self check out and it doesn't seem right to me. Plus more interesting in the staff check out. Tend to go for the basket only check outs, as usually quicker.

beaton profile image

travel 17 (each way.) to a large supermarket. We do have two smaller supermarkets in our town but I find the fresh food much better if a little more expensive. I do think the quality of fresh foods is important.

I also find there is more chose and being both vegetarian and celiac I find small stores don't have the food I want and need.

I have just come back from Sainsbury's in Truro, where I needed some of their fresh baked gluten-free bread. There was none on the shelf but the staff were very helpful and made getting it for me a priority. So I love their food and I love their staff, so worth the journey and time.

Marion_63 profile image

I no longer stick with one store. I make a list and add to it through the week and amend it as necessary, (less overeating that way). I also try to stick to a strict budget each month.

Bong1968 profile image

I have no particular loyalty to any store and will travel to buy difficult to obatain items. I do, however, prefer stores where the staff are friendly and will often join a slower moving queue at the checkout so that I can have a chat with one of the more cheerful employees!

I shop in Lidls as it's much cheaper and they are now starting to stock some organic foods and I buy organic where I can afford it.

Fran182716 profile image

My main shop is in a large Sainsbury's, my son who lives with me works there so we get staff discount and it has a good variety. I take my friend to Aldi once a week so I pick up a few bits there. Do small shops at a lot of places as I love trying different things.

deejames profile image

Don't have a choice really. I am trying to buy less and less at supermarkets. Local fruit and veg shop has paper bags not plastic and very little is in unnecessary trays and wrapping. We don't have much choice here in the Highlands.


bunty65 profile image

I drive to my local Waitrose which is approximately 3 miles, it's not 24 hour opening but is fairly big

JDJ23To28AND1-2 profile image

Usually Whatever's Closest And Hit My Stuff For A Vegan Diet.

Rockapple profile image

I prefer to use self-checkouts because (unless something goes wrong) it's usually quicker. Although if I have done a lot of shopping I tend to use a staffed checkout. Sometimes I will go to a large 24 hour supermarket, but I have to make a special trip to do that, so only normlly do it if they stock things which I can't get elsewhere.