What is your most common reason for wasting... - Healthy Eating

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What is your most common reason for wasting food.

143 Voters
Forgot about it,
Past use by date,
Mouldy/Unpleasant odour/Looks off,
Bought too much,
Cooked too much,
Did not like it/Badly cooked/prepared,
29 Replies
holly2 profile image

Should have included the option "I don't have any food waste" as I don't!

alchemilla12 profile image
alchemilla12 in reply to holly2


Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to holly2

Well said holly2. See what I've said in my post to Jerry.

Cymrawes profile image

I try very hard not to waste .Even after losing 5 stone last year and having more control than ever ( though still not enough) , 'your eyes are still bigger than my belly' as my mum always told me .Always will be .😢

Zest profile image
Zest in reply to Cymrawes

Hi Cymrawes - Congratulations on losing 5 stone last year, that is fantastic. :-)

Zest :-)

wobblypat profile image
wobblypatHigh Risk

Husband now has to do the cooking. His food is delicious, but he can't estimate quantities. Also, when he follows a pattern he makes the quantity stated, even though there are only two of us!

Rockapple profile image
Rockapple in reply to wobblypat

My husband always cooks too much if he does an evening meal...he'll dish out food and say are you sure that's enough potato? I say, you've already given me twice as much as I would eat LOL

castiggy profile image
castiggy in reply to wobblypat

Mine too! However, he does put any leftovers into the freezer, however, we still waste as he overestimates and doesn't put leftovers into portions. Trying to cure him of this, but is difficult as I work and he is at home.

Rockapple profile image

I try and avoid waste as much as possible...especially having been brought up as part of a family of eight...my mother tried never to waste anything. If I have too much of something (cooked too much or whatever), then I freeze it...with most things that's possible). With stale bread, then I can make bread and butter pudding etc.

But sometimes food can be wasted if for example, there is an unexpected crisis or something...so I do not have time to cook it. Perhaps I've taken meat out of the freezer to thaw and then the next couple of days I'm hardly at home and end up cooking something quick that takes no preparation, or even geting chips from the takeaway and simply sleeping at home or a relative's house. But normally I try and plan things so that I'm pretty certain I have time to cook something which takes a while...otherwise I plan for something which doesn't take so long.

Cooper27 profile image

We have a few reasons: things going off faster than anticipated. My OH puts things in the trolley, then forgets about them, and they end up going off (because I don't eat them if they're his). Also a problem that things come in packs that are too big.

Rignold profile image

Am pretty frugal with food and with 2 canine disposal units there is seldom any actual 'waste'.

ClareCrip profile image

My only food waste tends to be meat/fish bones and the fat from the Sunday roast. Virtually everything else, egg shells, veg peelings etc go on the compost heap before being recycled to the vegetable garden.

cherv profile image

Rignold high five to you! Same issue for me but I freeze my leftover for my dog as he has MRSA and all food must be frozen beef ,lamb, chicken, liver, kidney, and all veggie's then chopped and cooked and frozen in containers. All leftovers are put in ziplock bag's for next weeks cooking and freezing of containers. We even freeze squash, sweet potato's. Sweet potato's being the only potato we consume as we eat keto- no grains, beans, pasta. Have learned to much smarter but still do over buy. My husband traveled and I could not drive from seizure's and wanted a full refrig., many options. Still in that frame of mind getting better and my husband does the shopping and now does the grilling. Team work in the kitchen. Good Post Jerry verry thought provoking at least on my end.

Murdy1973 profile image

I eat less now than before but when I'm cooking food I still over produce on it. Plus as I'm in catering I find it very difficult to scale things down. I often eat the same meal four days in a row just to use it up rather than bin it. Freezing it puts me off.

Eils-81 profile image

And food don't taste the same. So gets thrown out.

Eils-81 profile image

Also, food don't keep as long as it used to.

2412 profile image

I'm usually really good about food waste but a couple of weeks ago my freezer was Accidently switched off. As I'm not in freezer everyday and it's in my partners office it all defrosted .I was devastated !! 😢 All my homemade ready meals gone .My Frozen veg ,home made soups ,fish ,meat etc. Four bin bags to the tip . The guilt I felt when chucking food in skips was awful . Freezer switch covered now .😊😊

Zest profile image
Zest in reply to 2412

Really sorry to hear your freezer was accidentally switched off an you lost your food. I hope you're having a better weekend, and that things are back to normal again.

Zest :-)

beaton profile image

I'm struggling with food at the minute. I'm a lifelong vegetarian with Hashimoto's, which has caused celiac disease. I was a good cook before and enjoyed food. Now everything seems bland and uninteresting.

may61 profile image

Bought a blackboard for the kitchen 2 years ago Shop twice a week If we are running out o& things it goes on the board Then plan meals for 3/4 days has meant saved a lot of waste Meal planning and shopping for those meals is defo th3 way to go

cj20uk profile image

The only food I waste are things such as mayonnaise or sauces that have to be used up within a certain time after opening. These are fine if you have a big family but if you are on your own or the others in the house don't like them, they can be wasted. I wish you could get smaller portions! I freeze a lot of things so they don't get wasted and for those that don't freeze, I buy smaller portions

Gill2008 profile image

I rarely have waste, but sometimes hubby just changes his mind - I always have a weeks main meals planned but occasionally one ofus throws a spanner in the works!

Tibblington profile image

You might guess that we don't have any waste in our house. My wife runs the fridge right down the day before we are due to shop. Vegetable peelings and outside leaves of cabbage and lettuce not normally eaten, are composted as is orange peel finely cut and egg shells etc. We have a huge army of Brandling Worms that work away making our compost which is available for use in 12 months time. Cheese rind is cut very small and enjoyed by the birds visiting our bird table.

We buy whole rabbits and any bits we don't especially like our cat will eat raw especially the head which is a real delicacy.

When you see the amount of food wasted especially by supermarkets it's a scandall.

Your polls are very interesting Jerry; keep them coming.


GERALDDAVID profile image

Since I no longer have teeth, if it is to hard out it goes! Limits my options.

Another good poll Hidden . I sometimes have bought food and plan to use it and then realise it's gone past the date and it's not it's best. I have to say though food waste in my household has gone down quite a lot. Our local Council collect our food waste once a fortnight and compost it and I am so pleased they do. I did have to throw some bread flour away yesterday as I didn't realise it had gone well past it's date, I was gutted as I use bread flour frequently but this bag was stored right in the back of the cupboard so I then moved everything around so I could see exactly what I had.

Although I have answered that poll with 'past it's use by date' it's quite rare that I throw anything away now.

ali-may profile image

Any meals 'left over' are used the following day, frozen or fed to our chickens to convert into eggs. I try not to buy too much in the first place by making a menu for the weeks meals.

mascotty02 profile image

my left overs generally go in the freezer so there is not really any waste, meat gets kept for sandwiches only waste is if there is a little cabbage or a potato left over from the dinner plate, thats it, hate wasting food

Dale333 profile image

Since I moved by myself, I really don't cook that much. I have went to frozen dinners and sandwiches. Being on a fixed income limits how much I can purchase. It seems to cost me more to cook for myself than for two or more. Even with that you can get tired of it. There is some waste.

Zest profile image

I ticked 'past its use by date' as the main reason for any waste - but I try my best to reduce the waste as much as possible, and am significantly better than I used to be. I freeze soups and casseroles, and other meals as well, and also the slices of cake that I enjoy are all frozen too - and I've recently bought a slow-cooker, which has helped me to do more batch cooking, and use up lots of veggies.

I have a "Love Food, Hate Waste' Calendar which has some good pointers for reducing waste in it, as well as nice recipes.

Zest :-)