The Siskin in the trees...🌲 : Hi everyone, I... - Health Walk

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The Siskin in the trees...🌲

β€’3 Replies

Hi everyone,

I saw this smashing looking Siskin whilst he was preening and pruning himself after a bath in the pond, he's spotted me looking at him but soon got bored and carried on preening himself.

This is a male Siskin which's a very distinctive green finch, its his black cap and bib that are the give away, I was taken aback by the vibrancy of his green feathers.

Another good reason to get out for a walk and enjoy the fresh air and wildlife...

3 Replies

What a wonderful photo of the little guy Jerry. It's just toooo cold for walks here today. We had another inch of snow the other day... so pretty.

I hope to capture some of God's beautiful creators in photos this year. So far l am too slow (& hand shakes too much) to snap a shot of the two red tail hawks flying over the pond. I will be so excited when that happens & l will post immediately. Granni B

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Thanks Granni B they're one of our smallest birds too so it was a treat watching him as he was oblivious of me for ages.

Its gone mild here but only for a couple of days then we have very cold weather coming in from the arctic so that will be fun... its the wind chill factor that makes it so biting.

The red tailed hawks sound a magnificent sight but photographing birds is not as easy as we think, I find its more miss than hit.

It sounds pretty where you are but I know you can't wait for spring and can see why. I'm glad that you have so much to enjoy from your home, thats a well deserved gift 😊

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Thank you Jerry...

Your little Siskin looks like a cousin to our American Goldfinch. Such little beauties.

Many times l have seen the Hawks perched in trees but never had my tablet with me... l will get lucky one of these days & proudly share my photo. Granni B

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