Even the pond froze...πŸ¦†: Hi everyone, Well it’s... - Health Walk

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Even the pond froze...πŸ¦†

β€’9 Replies

Hi everyone,

Well it’s certainly turned cold here today and we literally had a very light dusting of snow on a heavy frost first thing. Lunch time I went down to the duck pond to feed the ducks and was really surprised that such a large area had frozen and was still frozen.

To me this shows the benefits of making an effort putting on warm clothes and enjoying this bracingly fresh air...as senes like this are few and far between. β„οΈπŸ¦†

9 Replies
Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

This is a wonderful photo - I really like it. Glad you wrapped up warm for that bracing walk.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you Zest, it's quite a contrast to your weather which I've just commented on being spring like. 😊

Zest profile image
ZestAdministrator in reply to

Hi Hidden

Yes, I think our messages crossed in the ether!

Zest :-)

Agoodenough profile image

Lovely Jerry, I bet the ducks were pleased you made the effort to wrap up warm. Looks nice and sunny though.

in reply to Agoodenough

Thanks Ali, there weren't any ducks in sight but they soon appeared...

I love days like yesterday and in the afternoon my son told me he wished it would stop raining 30 miles away from me. β›ˆ

I am curious Jerry, what do you feed the ducks?

Your frozen pond photo brought an old memory to mind... 38 years ago we had our first pond freeze & big snow at the cabin...

I bundled up, grabbed the camera & out l went with my black lab 'Panther'. It was a deep snow & a real challenge to walk all the way around the pond. I had a marvelous time snapping pictures all the way... When l got home & opened up the camera to take out the film... there was none. Aww & a fun memory was made. Granni B

Hi Granni B, I buy wild bird food from my local pet shop and the ducks love it, some people take stale bread but white bread doesn't have enough nutrients for wild birds...

You have memories of your walk with Panther but it must have been disappointing to find no film in the camera.

Jerry 😊

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to

That's a beautiful picture Hidden . Interested to hear your local ducks like the wild bird food. Our lake has signs up listing what is healthy for them to eat, so I take defrosted peas and sweet corn, and tiny chopped up pieces of broccoli and cauliflower stalks. The geese and the swans love this food but the ducks won't touch it. Then someone else comes along with the dreaded white bread and the ducks gobble it down! I think they must have got too used to "junk food"!

Thanks Fran, And hey you spoil the swans and geese so good for you. There are no signs up here but I've seen signs asking people not to feed white bread to the ducks and swans.

I think that white bread has got a lot to answer for sadly...

This pond is great as the ducks see you scattering food on the ground by the pond and make a bee line for you in fact the moorhens ran across the ice which was an amazing sight as they're relatively shy birds.

The other reason I take wild bird food is for the smaller birds like the finches and robins join in, so they all feed together and I like that. 😊

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