Hormones: Does having a brain injury affect your... - Headway


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spideyman profile image
12 Replies

Does having a brain injury affect your hormonal balance and how can you get this checked?

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spideyman profile image
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12 Replies
Marnie22 profile image

It can do. I had an appointment with neurologist where 13 blood samples were taken for testing and that included checks on hormone levels.

cat3 profile image

I saw an Endocrinologist a couple of years after my Bi and had blood tests to check for hormonal/metabolic issues. Ask your GP for a referral to an Endocrinology clinic (sooner rather than later to allow for the long waiting lists !) x

AndrewT profile image

Dear Spideyman,

The Brain 'Controls' ALL Body Functions.... so basically, in answer to your question, YES. If you think, of your Brain, as your Body's CPU, if part of it is Burnt Out- or has suffered Physical Damage- then it can Mal-Function.

I have had a Brain Injury, for over Twenty Years now, and have Seen' a Variety of Different manifestations, in my 'associations' with Others. One girl, who attended an Adult Education Group- I also attended- had lost the ability to Tell The Time. Another Walked on a Frame- like he had a Broken Leg, Another Stuttered, in normal speech, but could Sing Perfectly clearly.

So your Hormones being, a 'Tad Wrong', is definitely Not Unusual, my friend. I hope that this has been of some 'Help', to you, Spideyman.


spideyman profile image
spideyman in reply to AndrewT

I was told that it’s likely as I was in a coma.

I’m wondering cos I live alone and don’t crave women (or men lol)

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to spideyman

Ok you Spend your Life with 'Bonzo'! If you are Worried then, by All means, Do 'Check' with your Clinical Team. (That you were in a Coma, is probably Not 'That' important.)


spideyman profile image
spideyman in reply to AndrewT


spideyman profile image
spideyman in reply to AndrewT

You’ll find ppl who stutter can sing normally. 1 example is Gareth Gates

Ever seen The Kings Speech?

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to spideyman

Yes I've seen The kings Speech, Actually I've Got it..... somewhere. 'Bonzo', or 'Bingo' or 'Bowzer'.. generic dog name. Like 'Tiddles', or 'Queenie' for a cat.


sospan profile image

Yes, as Cat mentions below it has to be an Endocrine test not a normal blood test and has to be assessed by a specialist. I believe the are about £150 done privately which may reduce the time from 2 years to 3 weeks.

Pairofboots profile image

If you are worried about your hormone balance, as your GP to run a full set of bloods. Explain the possible area you are concerned by, this can narrow the search. It is relatively simple to test for, and correct if needed. This is bread and butter stuff for GPs. Being of a certain age, you should have an annual MOT, which should pick up on any reduction.

Headshrink profile image

Yes it fan speak to your GP. You just need some blood tests

RecoveringH profile image


Male Saliva Hormone Test Profile I is designed to measure five essential hormones in men's body through saliva samples. Following hormone tests will be run by our laboratory:

Estradiol (E2) (Estrogen)

Testosterone (T)


Progesterone (Pg)

Cortisol (C)

Test requires a saliva sample

Test sample can be collected at the comfort of your home

Free delivery in the UK

Customers are responsible for shipping their sample to the laboratory.

Test kit includes laboratory fee: no additional laboratory cost and tax.

Click to see >> Sample Saliva Test Result Report

Test must be used within 12 months after purchase date.

Test Result Report: You will receive your test result via email within 3-5 working days after Laboratory receives your sample. On your test result, you will find your hormone levels in graphics and numbers, which makes it easy to understand. You will also find the Laboratory's comments made by Hormone Specialist PhD Dr suggests how to balance your hormones if there are any imbalanced hormones and what to do next.

Symptom Categories & Corresponding Symptoms – Male

Male Estrogen/Progesterone Deficiency Symptoms

Bone loss, depressed, heart palpitations, hot flashes, neck or back pain, nights sweats and sleeping difficulties

Male Estrogen Dominance/ Progesterone Deficiency Symptoms

Cold body temperature, Irritable, low libido, prostate problems, increased urinary urge, decreased urine flow, breast or hips weight gain.

Male Low Androgens (DHEA/Testosterone Deficiency) Symptoms

Allergies, apathy, body temperature cold, bone loss, burned-out feeling, depressed, decreased erections, evening fatigue, mental fatigue, morning fatigue, decreased flexibility, forgetfulness, headaches, heart palpitations, hot flashes, irritable, joint pain, low libido, decreased mental sharpness, decreased muscle size, muscle soreness, night sweats, rapid aging, ringing in ears, skin thinning, decreased stamina, stress, triglycerides elevated, waist Weight gain.

Male High Androgens (DHEA/Testosterone Deficiency) Symptoms

Acne, aggressive behaviour, anxiety, blood pressure high, hair or shin oily, irritable, nervous, sleeping difficulty, sugar craving, breast or hips weight gain.

Male Low Cortisol Deficiency Symptoms

Low blood pressure, low blood sugar, chemical sensitivity, depressed, dizzy spells, fatigue, infertility, irritable, joint pain, decreased mental sharpness, slow pulse rate, decreased stamina, stress, sugar cravings, swelling or puffy eyes/face.

Male High Cortisol Deficiency Symptoms

Anxious, high blood pressure, depression, forgetfulness, hot flashes, decreased mental sharpness, decreased muscle size, nervousness, night sweats, rapid ageing, skin thinning, sleeping difficulty, stress, sugar cravings, Triglycerides elevated, waist weight gain.

If any symptoms mentioned above are persisting, you might consider using our comprehensive 10-panel hormone test. This test has clear instructions on how to use safely and comfortably. Saliva testing produces a non-invasive use as it does not require the use of any needle or instruments that other testing kits may provide.

Why do we test hormones in saliva?

Steroid hormones in the blood are 95-99% bound to carrier proteins such as SHBG, albumin, and CBG. Saliva levels reflect the unbound fraction, which diffuses freely into tissues, and is often described as the “bioavailable” fraction. In many applications, the bioavailable fraction is a more useful clinical parameter than a total serum level. In other applications, such as those where samples must be collected daily or even several times a day, saliva collection is simply more practical. Saliva is preferred to serum in situations where venipuncture stress can affect results, and considered to be the gold standard for collection of adrenal stress hormones in particular. Saliva is also a method of choice for biobehavioral research on hormones and for diurnal cortisol testing, which both require multiple collections making serum testing inconvenient. The simple, noninvasive and flexible collection allowed by ZRT’s test kits is ideal for this process.

Salivary cortisol is the method of choice for Cushing’s diagnosis and stress assessment

Saliva estradiol/progesterone is effective for monitoring of menstrual cycles and frequently used in fertility studies.

Salivary testosterone is a reliable method for diagnosing male hypogonadism

Saliva testosterone is comparable to free plasma testosterone in women with PCOS

Saliva testing measures the amount of hormone available to target tissues – the bioavailable amount. For this reason, saliva testing better relates to specific symptoms of excess or deficiency and is a good option for monitoring hormone therapy. ZRT is one of the first labs to measure hormones in saliva and helped establish the method that made saliva hormone testing commercially viable for health care providers and patients around the globe.

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Has anyone had any problem with hormones since they had their brain injury ?