I suffered from a Tbi 26 years ago after an rta ov... - Headway


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I suffered from a Tbi 26 years ago after an rta over the past few years have started to hate life my wife isn’t interested I’m alone it hurt

4 Replies

Tbi and feel like life is against me

4 Replies
SillyPhil profile image

Hi, I've just joined this forum and am struggling to navigate it. I just put a Hellooo! Post on to introduce myself. Then I noticed your Post. Very sad. My accident was 20 years ago. I got married (again) 2 years ago. I sometimes think that my Wife doesn't care/doesn't 'get it'/is bored by my problems... but when I was alone it was ruddy horrible. Brain Damage is a nightmare isn't it? I really feel for you as you are obviously hurting. Do you attend a Headway meet? Sometimes it helps me to connect with people who understand.

in reply to SillyPhil

Hi thanks for the reply it means alot llateley I have had suicidal thoughts but going to headway helped me out at the moment I feel ok I hope you are ok take care hope to chat again

SillyPhil profile image
SillyPhil in reply to

Hiya. Wow, it took you 8 months to reply to my reply!! No problem. I do hope that life isn't so dark these days. It can be tough can't it? Stick with it. Just sticking a Post on here can help. Or taking a stroll and saying 'Hi' to passers-by. Anything to avoid sitting in and dwelling on our problems. Keep in touch.

in reply to SillyPhil

Thanks for the reply it means a lot knowing someone has listened to me