After I got out of a wheelchair, then threw away crutches, I was a bit wobbly on my feet. When this continued and I felt dizzy all the time when sitting down, I went to see a balance/ear specialist - it's all to do with your ear, balance, and one of mine fell off when I got my BI and had to be sewn back on again (it's ok: I'm a man so I don't use my ears to listen).
The balance specialist made me do a load of simple exercises: Standing up, turning round and sitting down again; standing on one leg; throwing a ball from hand to hand, clockwise and anti-clockwise neck rolls. Easy stuff to practice at home each day for fifteen minutes. Then I had a dance teacher my wife and I were taught how to quick step, jive and all that by pre BI. I went to see him when I could walk again and he made me run up and down a slope for an hour at a time turning round in different directions - like I was doing the waltz, only by myself. It was hell, but....
Maybe it's these things, or maybe it's passing time, but seven years later I'm not dizzy any more and I fumble and drop things less than before. Not completely co-ordinated, but better.