I am in need of advice my doctor gave me quetiapine 25 mg I cry for no but hoped this would help as the only relief I get is when I'm sleeping is it a case of waiting till I've been taking it for a week or two because I feel as if my wife wasn't there I didn't see any point of going on ! I'm finding it hard to cope any advice would be great !
Help : I am in need of advice my doctor gave me... - Headway

I wish I could help you through this tuff time. I know how awful depression can be. Please stick with the meds and they will get to work, if you feel no different in two weeks you need to get them reviewed. Chat away to anyone and everyone if it helps.
Think of one thing you can do each day, see the new things growing, or make something and celebrate your achievement. Just holding a positive thought for a day is a step forward.
At the moment I can't see a end to this I had depression before my sah but find its got worse ! I've got a great family who are try in there best to help me my sister when I was at my lowest point helped talk me round from how it was telling me to look at my wife and all my family who care to me but why then do I feel useless ! Just waiting for a another phycologist the first one put me on quetiapine 25 mg only been on them for about 4 days just hope this and the increase in my venlafaxine I was supposed to get will help eventually ! God bless you and thanks for your help !
My husband is on the same medication. It took a while to work to work but now he sleeps really well which is good for both of us.
He still gets very tearful & emotional but we try & stay positive.
He went through a real depressive period, kept threatening to kill himself.
I often got angry with him(Not perhaps the right thing to do!!!!), but after all the time we battled to keep him alive, I wasn't going too loose him now.
We would both end up shouting but sometimes you all need to let off steam.
Keep trying with the meds a bit longer & hopefully the extra sleep will help you to cope better.
Stick with the medication, it can take several weeks for anti-depressants to start working. If there is no improvement after three weeks go back to your GP.
He's on the same dose as you 25mg, & has been since January.
He was on 15mg Mirtazapine as well, but came off that about a month ago as it was making him dopey in the mornings.
He still sleeps a lot, in bed by 9pm & if he doesn't have a sleep during the day, he is wiped out.
It's difficult as his general health is now good despite the injuries he had due to the accident. He goes to the gym with a support worker twice a week & plays indoor bowls once a week as well.
We find exercise really helps & bucks him up even if he's shattered afterwards.
It's very much the mental things that wear him out. Even trying to watch some TV programmes are too much, so we stick to easy things like Fools & Horses, or Last of the Summer Wine.
Most of them he has seen before, but cant usually remember them!! so is happy to watch them again.
We try & get outside most days especially if it's sunny as it really seems to help his depression.
Stay strong & keep in touch, happy to help if I can, even if it's only for a good old moan.
That works wonders, just getting it off your chest, I should know, have done enough of it myself!!
thanks for your reply just to let you know ive had mine increased to 25mg twice a day ! my phycologist seemed surprised i was crying whilst on them and wont increase my venlafaxine till ive been on the other one a while ! i read some where that that the tablets we were talking about can cause a increase in your depression be glad when this settles down ! thanks again for you kind advice take care !!