Hi, I'm new her been menopausal for 4 years with no periods. Have recently noticed aches and odd random spotting browny pinkish a few days after sex. Normal cervical screens any advice really welcome.
Hi, I'm new her been menopausal for 4 years with no periods. Have recently noticed aches and odd random spotting browny pinkish a few days after sex. Normal cervical screens any advice really welcome.
As someone who suffered postmenopausal bleeding on and off for years, (17) get yourself to the doctor. It's probably fine but should NEVER be ignored. The one time you don't report it, sods law, is when it is cancer.
It’s likely nothing to worry about, but, and it’s a big but, you have to check it out if, for nothing else, peace of mind. I had post menopausal bleeding and because I got it checked out straight away I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer early and am still here, causing trouble 8 years on. Ask your doctor to investigate and to do a CA125 test. Any unexplained bleeding has to be investigated. ❤️Xx Jane
Hi there,
Thank you for your message. It's reassuring to hear that you've had normal cervical screening results, although the bit of bleeding/discharge that you've been experiencing, as other people have replied, does need investigating.
Post-menopausal bleeding, i.e. bleeding/bloody discharge when you’ve not had a period for 12 months or more, is classed as abnormal bleeding and needs to be referred to the gynae department, so that they can rule out cancer.
The guidance for people who have post-menopausal bleeding is to be referred to gynae on a ‘two week wait’ pathway, so that they can investigate and rule out a cancer as quickly as possible (we absolutely appreciate that might sound scary but, it is more likely to not be cancer than to be cancer).
So, please do contact your GP surgery, as your GP is the person who needs to request the referral to gynaecology. When you speak to the reception staff, please stress that you are experiencing post-menopausal bleeding, which you know requires referral on the two week pathway to rule out cancer, and that you need to either speak to or see your GP to arrange this.
We're available on nurse@eveappeal.org.uk if you have any other questions.
Best Wishes,
The Ask Eve Team