I have to come to this forum as GP not helpful and not listening to me. Sorry if this is long, I just want to give some background. I am a 43 year old woman with 4 children. Since my teens I have had pelvic pain. I have been told that I have two small fibroids on the left side of uterus (fundal region- 28x23mm, myometrium- 23x20mm). I suffered with very heavy, painful periods for years and had ablation in 2018. This has reduced volume of bleeding but not stopped altogether. I was told that fibroids too small to cause pain, although I have continued to have pain only on the left side of pelvis and lower back since teens, not necessarily related to periods.
I have been suffering with pain in my pelvis on the left side. It sometimes radiates down my leg through my groin to my knee. I had transvaginal ultrasound and was diagnosed with Adenomyosis, bulky uterus and a few nabothian cysts. My left ovary couldn't be seen, but they did not request another scan although I made it clear that my pain is only on the left.
The pain is quite bad sometimes and is worse if I walk for any significant distances, such as 10 minute walk to shop.
I had a right nephrectomy in 2014 due to cancerous tumour and gallbladder removed in 2017 due to painfull stones.
I have digestive symptoms such as bloating, wind, diarrhea and heartburn. My mother was told that there is a genetic family link to bowel cancer when she had it. I an worried that the pain I fell in the left side of pelvis/lower back could be either kidney cancer returned in ovary, or other tumour. Am I over thinking?