How long did it take for you to get biopsy results (following hysteroscopy)? On day 6 of waiting...
Waiting...: How long did it take for... - Gynae Cancer Support

Hi. Sorry but I don't know. I will have a biopsy on weds. I just hope you hear soon. It might be worth speaking to one of the nurses at ova come maybe?
Hi NicJP,
Thank you for your message on the AskEve forum.
Most biopsy results take around 2 weeks to come back , this is because the tissue (product of the biopsy) goes through a meticulous process of having different stains (types of chemical tests) and is checked under the microscope each time.
It might be an idea to ask the hospital department when you can anticipate a follow up appointment for your results, so you can plan ahead and feel reassured all is in hand.
Thank you,
Tracie Miles,
Ask Eve Information Nurse
Have you had any luck getting results yet?
No. Seeing consultant Monday. No idea what will happen. I know I have ovarian cancer and "extensive" peritoneal disease so it's not good. What would be worse would be if they find a different type underlying those. Feeling really angst ridden. Hope you have a good weekend in spite of waiting.
Well Mrs it ain't over till it's over and whilst I can only imagine the living hell you are in you have to remember you are alive and still alive with a life to live. Positivity I believe buys time but even if that's not true it makes life enjoyable. I remember asking my mum why she wasn't dead (aggressive breast cancer twice within 5 years) and she said a) I am not bright enough (she left school at 14, doesn't Google and I don't think it actually occurred to her she might) and b) I am far too busy (she worked in an oap home and arranged their tea dances and we were made to go every Xmas day when we were little so they'd have children there) .Wobble, sob, get angry and then reclaim your life. I am angry at myself the last 10 days waiting have been such fun. We have been to a gig, dinner, bowling, swimming, picnics... Whilst filling the time I realised I should've been doing doing these all along. If I am ok (consultants secretary said I was fast tracked not 2 week wait???) then I am changing my attitude. How's your boy doing? Ps everyone here will be there for you. You are not alone.
Thanks for that. Nice images to conjure with about picnics and good stuff. My boy is stoical, ramrod straight backed and closed in on himself. I will see hoe we go on holiday - sometimes he lets a few bits out of himself when relaxed. He has a lot on - went to sixth form induction day today and dreaded the ice breaker activities ( but they were not too embarrassing apparently). Hope you are ok. Let me know but no pressure.