Is it true that if Carbozimole is not taken correctly (as in the correct dose on a daily basis) that it can reverse your over-active to an under-active thyroid problem?
Thanks 😊
Is it true that if Carbozimole is not taken correctly (as in the correct dose on a daily basis) that it can reverse your over-active to an under-active thyroid problem?
Thanks 😊
Could you provide some details?
Hey there again :
Can you please update us from the endo consult a month ago ?
Do you now have access to all your medical records ?
Can you see your initial diagnosis letter and see which antibodies were over range and positive for a diagnosis of Graves Disease ?
The Graves antibodies are generally referred to as a TSI (a thyroid stimulating ) and or a TRab ( a thyroid receptor blocking ) antibody :
Can you also see your initial levels of T3 and T4 and the ranges prior to starting AT drugs ?
Carbimazole works by inhibiting the production of NEW thyroid hormone.
The medication works very quickly, (within hours) but the affect on the levels can take 8 weeks to completely manifest as it altering the production of new levels not the EXISTING levels which are yet to be metabolised by the body.
Not taking enough carbimazole the thyroid levels remain high.
Taking too much means the levels eventually fall too low, you become carbimazole induced hypothyroid. (Temporarily). Adjusting the medication with careful monitoring ensure you stay in range.
When taking it inconsistently it will be difficult to accurately judge where your levels are at.
Carbimazole doesn’t damage the thyroid, or result in permanent hypothyroid but this can occur from other reasons.
1. the patient never had Graves but instead had a hyper phase of autoimmune thyroiditis, (or both Graves & thyroiditis) & the autoimmune attacks has resulted in the hypothyroidism.
2. The carbimazole was taken but the hyperthyroidism didn’t resolve and final treatment was given. Either RAI or Surgery. These resulted in permanent hypothyroidism.
Many associate carbimazole with the permanent hypothyroidism but this is inaccurate.
Thank you, yes my Endo appointment was a short lived one. He asked me a few questions and then sent me for a blood test again after just having the same tests from the doctor but I didn't disagree. He told me that I might have the wrong dose and that I would need to continue with Carbozimole so he could see the difference as he thought I was taking too much meaning my levels eventually fell too low, inducing hypothyroid - hopefully temporary. He has sent my doc a letter and copied me in with the same letter and has adjusted my medication to 10mg daily with continual monitoring (I hope) he has also asked the doctor to take me off Propranolol which I am scared about as I still tremor and shake so feeling a little disappointed with the whole Endo thing if I'm honest.