Could this be related to Graves' or related to the Carbs meds or am I going MAD!
I have had this excruciating pain on the left side a few weeks ago now it started on the right side of my face mainly being the teeth/jaw area it has had me in tears this time. Anyway the worse its got I have taken every pain med and even bought bonjella and other stronger tooth gum numbing gels. I have even visited the dentist as I thought it was tooth ache I had to wait six weeks to get an emergency appointment for dentist. I have even had antibiotics 400 mg per tablet for a week solid. It has me totally perplexed, as I have always cared more than I should about my oral health and my teeth (as Dads teeth slowly ground away into nothing). I was really confused that toothache would hit me so hard with not a lot of warning, it then went to my throat/tonsil then up to my ear and sort of up my forehead it lasts for about five minutes then its gone again.
The pain has transfered to the right side with a about a week without anything then baam here it is again has anyone had this as I am at a total loss?! I am used to headaches as I have had them most of my life even from being a child but recently diagnosed with Graves' it all made sort of sense, but this pain is unpredictable and very out of the ordinary.
Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully shed some light on this because I am now worried ❤