Has anyone had iodine dye injection to highlight CT scan when suffering with overactive thyroid, Graves’ disease. does It cause any problems. Many thanks for information. Val
Iodine dye for CT scan: Has anyone had... - Graves Disease Su...
Iodine dye for CT scan
Hello Vbgr,
Surprised no one has answered yet, so let me tell you about what I experienced.
Years ago, before I was officially diagnosed as a Grave's Disease patient; I had a CT scan with contrast dye and had a near deadly allergic reaction. The deadly part they took care of at the facilty. When I went home I thought I was ok at first. But before I made it there, I got sick and threw up. I was driving, so I pulled over and I pretty much got the door open in time. By time I got home I was covered in red angry looking welts. By evening I was so itchy I could not stand it. I went to ER, they shot me up wth steroids. I was able to go home and sleep. Woke uo the next day, My entire body looked red, raw and like pounded meat. My face was swollen and looked blown up. After that for 6-9 months I was allergic to about everything. I went to Dr Care 3-4 times for shots and meds. My skin was so hot, red welts and uncomfortable within my body and skin; it felt like it was on fire.
Since then I have had Ct scan without and was fine. My oncologists had me pre-medicated to do CT scan and I had no problems with getting pre-medicated. Have you had your CT already? LMK what happened. I never associated the CT allergy with having Grave's disease; but now that you mention that; it makes perfect sense. If that is the case; I have had auto immune much longer than I thought. Best wishes Red
I had the same scan and mine was absolutely fine I wouldn’t panic about it.