What is "brain fog " ? i think i get ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What is "brain fog " ? i think i get it but i may have had it so long that it become part of daily life !!

I get brain fog....usually the day after I've been glutened, life take on a slightly hazy, sleepy feeling.......I also feel nervous and shaky....but it clears after a few days....
I'd describe symptoms of "brain fog" as feeling as if your brain is short-circuiting, or like Janie says, thinking becomes hazy and sleepy! It's really difficult to think clearly and quickly and reach conclusions that would normally be reached with ease. It also includes short-term memory dysfunction, such as forgetting names and even simple tasks taking considerably longer to do. I think you can define the difference between brain-fog and normal forgetfulness because of its on-going nature.
I had constant brain-fog for a year before I was diagnosed with thyroid disease and again for the two years leading up to discovering I was gluten-intolerant. Once I became GF the improvement was amazing.
As Coeliac and thyroid disease are both auto-immune in nature and related, if you have other thyroid-type symptoms, like very low energy, weight gain and joint pains, definitely go to get it checked out with further tests.
Hi Lummie, anemia/B12 deficiency would certainly cause both symptoms and most probably "brain fog" too. Hope you feel better soon.
My calcium and d3 were very very low, I had swollen joints, bone pain and I was tired all the time...infact when I went to my doctor I said that some days I felt like was tryin to walk through wet concrete I was that stiff and bone weary..... 15 months on being gluten free my joint pain has gone..... My vitamin levels are normal, I still take mega doses to keep it that way.......but there is light at the end of the tunnel....best bit I can get my wedding ring back on because my knuckle has gone back to normal again.....

yes same here it took 9months to feel better i have been celiec 2yrs now only the last 4months have been better
i get this too if been glutoned but like others say goes after a day and i am very irritable i take vit b12 injections and calcuim too good luck xx
i got it last time i had a gluten challenge to get diagnosed after being gf for a few years. i got very forgetful and generally just felt mentally very slow. got better once i stopped the gluten again.

It's like being constantly tired and hungover and hard to concentrate on things.