Completely nothing to do with gluten,... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Completely nothing to do with gluten, but a very interesting program

sassyl profile image
7 Replies

Maybe one for those of us who were discussing our weight last week!

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sassyl profile image
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7 Replies
Lynxcat profile image

Hi Sassy, I saw this programme and found it extremely fascinating especially the fact that a mini fast can make your cells change from replace mode into repair mode. It makes you wonder if it could be of help in both the prevention and cure of some of the complaints that are associated with coeliacs disease. I just wished that they would consider doing a little more research into it on our behalf. The other thought is that it may perhaps help people keep their memories as I believe Mike Mosley said that fasting helps to create new brain cells too and as they start to expire from somewhere in our twenties it would be nice to think we could all manufacture a few more new ones!

I admire that he at least had a go himself and the results after just five weeks were really quite amazing - I wonder if he will carry on doing it?

I thought that it was very interesting and noticed the difference in Mike Mosleys physique after just 5 weeks.

I also wonder if our bodies could repair our bones through fasting, and improve osteopenia and even cure osteoporosis, I think that I'm dreaming here LOL.

As for fasting apparently we can fast for short periods like 12 to 16 hours and this puts our bodies into repair mode. And if we have reduced calorie days as opposed to going on a diet where our metabolism slows because we are consuming less calories by reducing them to 600 calories just for odd days our metabolism burns calories at the same rate so we lose weight quicker. This is why the alternative days of 600 calories works so well. The other advantage is we reset our hunger clocks in our brains.

Now going back to the fasting for between 12 and 16 hours this is easier than it sounds as we can have an evening meal and then just drink black or green tea etc and then have a late breakfast the next day.

I thought this was an inspiring program so even tho' I don't have a weight issue I am going to try the 16 hour fast combined with odd days of reduced calories.

There are lots of articles on the web about IF (intermittent fasting) so here's one that I found interesting:

sassyl profile image

I'm doing this too Jerry. Same thing, the intermittent fasting with a delayed eating in the morning and then an 8-10 hour eating period but without the calorie restriction.

My friend who is not coeliac has been doing it for a couple of weeks. Yesterday we both walked 13.5 miles of the coast path. She walked for 3 hours before eating anything. I broke my fast just as we started (because I've got the hypoglycemia to contend with as well). Both of us were fine all day and are fine again this morning.

It's much more the eating pattern I had before I started 'dieting to lose weight' when breakfast became an important start to the day. In fact, it's only since I've been eating breakfast that I've loaded on weight. It's also soooo much better than my RH diet, where I have to eat every 2-3 hours from the moment I wake. I'm still doing that once I break my fast and still avoiding carbs. No hypos so far and like you, hoping my body is going to repair itself!

Well good for you Sassyl and walking 13.5 miles in one go is no mean feat so well done. And as you have hypoglycemia you have to make sure that you don't make your self ill.

My son is very athletic and health conscious and I had a chat with him the day after the program and he regularly fasts for 16 hours and has low carb days. So I did a web search and found that even fasting for 12 hours regularly is beneficial so last night I decided to have my tea/ dinner and then no calories until breakfast, so I just drank black tea and I didn't eat for 14+ hours and didn't notice it.

Apparently when we fast even for 14 or 16 hours it resets our hunger clocks in our brains and I read that if you don't eat for several hours before a long haul flight so you're hungry when you arrive home you don't suffer jet lag! :

So I'm definitely going to try a new regime based on short term fasting, what I wouldn't do if I was you is set your alarm after X hours and have a packet of Prewetts bourbons LOL.

sassyl profile image

LOL! No more of those!

FionaGFG profile image

Glad you caught the programme I loved it too. Interestingly Michael Mosley says on twitter that the 600 calories (for men vs 500 for women) days can be added together i.e. 2 days of just 600 calories or spaced apart. And that on your 600 calorie day you can either have it all in one go or slip it i.e. as breakfast 200 calories and dinner 400 calories. I was also surprised about the bio-chemical and physical changes in his health from just doing the 600 calories days twice a week. It's certainly food for thought. We're gearing up to try it too and will feedback.

sassyl profile image

So far so good! I'm eating nothing between 10pm and about 12am, then eating what I want (not GF, dairy, sugars and limit simple carbs). I've had pasties, cream tea, thai curry, meals out, biscuits (not Prewetts Jerry!), no limits. I've not been hungry or felt controlled by food.

I've lost 4lb in the first 12 days, not had any hypo's and felt fantastic! (I've also walked a further 30-odd miles of the coast path).

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