Does gluten food cause moth ulcers. ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Does gluten food cause moth ulcers. I try to avoid gluten food but do take chances occasionally when nothing else available.
Hi Angelbelle, I found out that I had coeliac disease through mouth ulcers and blood blisters in the mouth. I think that you will find that wheat and gluten cause both problems to occur. Ulcers of the mouth often indicate lack of vitamin B12 which is a common complaint of people with both coeliacs disease and gluten intolerance and gluten sensitivity.
It might be an idea, to ask your doctor for a blood test to see if this confirms the problem. Though not everyone who is sensitive to gluten appears to be flagged up with a blood test. It is though worth being tested for all three possibilities.
Thank you very much, I will do as your suggest.
YES!!! big bubbles containing disgusting tasting fluid and smaller ulcers in strange places where you KNOW you cannot have scratched with hard food. all the bonjela and salt rubs do not help. I also am sensitive to one of the cooking oils but this only makes my lips swell.
I have my b12 checked automatically as my gp has put into place a coeliac data base for yearly checks on all the coeliacs in the practice
Thank you for your response. It helps to put my mind at rest that its nothing else. I just wish my Doctor was a bit more helpful.
I also found I was coeliac by mouth ulcers. It is also the trigger for me knowing I have had gluten in meal.
Many thanks for your comment. I'm so grateful for all the help we get through this web. I have to take Alendronic tabs for my Osteoporosis and I wondered if they caused the ulcers. My Doctor said come and show me the ulcers but by the time I get an appointment they have gone, only to return later.
Angelbelle, you do really need to get your diet sorted out. Mouth ulcers , although painful, are the least of your health issues if you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease and are continuing to eat gluten containing foods. I always carry emergency food with me so that I'm never caught out. It's a bit of a pain but it does keep me healthy. Ask your GP to refer you to a dietician to help you sort your diet.
Thank you for that.