Been glutened .. Only thing diff I at... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Been glutened .. Only thing diff I ate was McCain oven Chips

Ian that's unusual as from memory these are labelled gluten free unlike other chips that have a flour coating on them. Did you cook them in a clean tray? Did you eat or drink anything else with them?
You may also want to search our tags labelled FODMAP as many coeliacs find digesting potato and other complex food groups a problem.
Yes cooked them in my gluten free kitchen..
I did have a lot of Arla lacto free icecream and cream yest.. But nothing else. I eat potatoes all week
And on top of that my mum just informed me she put wrong milk In my tea after I finished it... Since being lacto free for couple months I've not had any so don't know what to expect... I'm only mild lacto intolerant tho they say
Hey Ian,
Lactose has a quicker turn-around time for me, to put it politely. Pretty similar symptoms although a proper gluten attack gives me back cramps too.
Lactose has a quicker recovery time too though! Get well soon.
I haven't got a pack handy but I thought when I last looked at them they had some sort of warning - perhaps made in a factory that also handles wheat? I recollect I didn't buy them for some reason. Just tried M&S chips yesterday ( fresh, just reheat in oven) as a treat yesterday and completely fine after them.
Ian, my husband grows potatoes for McCains and has visited their factories. I have also met the 'man-in -charge' who is very nice and very special diet aware. The products that they make that are GF are clearly labelled and are not made in a factory that handles wheat or any other possible allergens. Your problems are either you have chosen a non gf chip or something else you've eaten. I hope you feel well soon. If you are unsure which products are ok, then just email McCains and they will send you their complete allergen listings.
Oh dear not good.. You must feel rubbish.. are you sure it was the plain oven chips? They do things like wedges and coated chips which, I believe, aren't gluten free.
Thanks everyone... Icant think of anything else I had.. They were crinkle cut..
And regarding the slip up with the milk I have not had the runs or anything.. It says on my report that I'm Mild hypolactasia.. Does this mean I can have bits of dairy... I don't understand how they know I'm mild
I know McCain crinkle cut Homefries are not gf - was it a pack of them by chance?
ian...I've just checked and the crinkle cut oven chips are fine but as Lexy says the Homefries aren't. It's like everything else you have to always read the labels. McCain chips that are Gf are produced in a separate place to the others. If you don't like oven chips (which I don't) you can deep fry them which does improve the taste although it's a very unhealthy option.
What oil did you cook them in? Vegetable oil can sometimes be derived from wheat.
Hiya, we've just discovered we have wheat in our McCain French Fries - it is clearly labelled but we've only just gone GFCF so were surprised because we had assumed all chips were GFCF free - shows you just have to read the back of EVERYTHING!!!
Tesco's oven chips have...wheat in 'em! Bizarre.
Most frozen chips, if not all, are dusted with flour before being frozen.