does anyone else suffer palpitations ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
does anyone else suffer palpitations all the time and a buzzing/rumbling in the ribs area that goes down to pelvic bone? all the time

Some palpitations that i dont bother about, nothing else. Have you seen gp about condition. orry of no help.

Hi GlutenHater - go see your Dr. The palpitations can be symptoms of low iron of thyroid problems. The buzzing / rumbling - who knows. All I can say is I experienced similar sensations in my lower back/ pelvis and stomach before being diagnosed GF & then they disappeared. I suspect in my case it was the stomach having problems digesting foods etc and making a noise.
See your Dr and let us know what they say.
hi ive been seeing my doctors and going to the hospital constantly the doctors are useless and cant give me any explanation they just gave me betablockers, this is not the solution there is something causing the palpitations i havent had them for 30 years so why suddenyl?. i dont think theyve checked my iron or vitamins, they said they tested thyroid but i dont know if they did the full panel. they seem to just want to do the basic tests and not anything further. feel like im hitting my head against a brick wall
After having pain in upper abdomen, had an endoscopy which revealed hiatus hernia. Then started getting severe palptations, chest and back pains, thought i was having heart attack.
felt frustrated, starting googling and found connection between hernia and palptations. I believe acid from tummy is irritating vagus nerve, which effects heart rate. Omeprezole initially helped but symptoms returning. Also on betablockers but don't want to stay on need. Again medical profession not helping at all.
I've had palpitations and cramps in chest which ressemble a heart attack. Lots of tests and nothing. Then started taking magnesium and they disappeared. As soon as I stop taking the magnesium they come back. I don't know why I still don't absorb magnesium but I've just accepted it now. As for the gurgling, I've had to take out corn, soya and potatoes to reduce that so perhaps you still have other intolerances
I would ask to be tested to see if you are allergic to soya as the gurgling may be caused by this, I also take magnesium and iron suppliments as I have suffered palpitations major chest cramps etc etc.
thanks, should i just go and buy magnesium tablets? i think they tested my magnesium but didnt say anything about the levels, so i dont know if they are low? a doctor should really test all my mineral levels and vitamins levels to tell me if i am deficient. but they dont seem to want to do these simple tests, i asked a doctor to do vitamins test and i think he said he would do a vitamin d, that ok but theres lots of other vitmains to test for!!!?? yes i think there is a connection between vagus nerve and palpitations, i have a rumbling/buzzing all the time in my ribs area just below my chest.
me too have had fast heart rate and chest cramps,n rumbling in ribs ,tummy and get bad wind also really feel like i have starved myself for days when my tummy gets sore but i eat normal and would like to try the magnesium but with a weak sphincter muscle it would make me need the loo very quickly and headaches get worse at my wits end had 2 days with bad bowel movements feel like i am training myself to clean my back passage in doctors are really making me mad bring back the old surgeriers were the listened to the patient .
Have you had a look at advice for IBS suffers? I don't know if it would help?
also ribs on right side get numb and cant lye on side they put horses to sleep for less trying to be positive but it is a catch22
Was searching re upper abdominal and chest pain - and here is my post from 4 years ago!! Things settled down for me me but have flared up again. I'm no longer on beteblockers or omeprazole though. Think I've eaten or drunk something in the last few days that's made me rough. How is everyone else on here?