Does anymore suffer from painful bone... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Does anymore suffer from painful bones, at times mine hurt even my teeth, GP states its coeliacas but im not sure!

37 Replies
37 Replies

Hi Jo, I get this sometimes too, i have always thought it was because of my B12 Anemia, I sometimes get random pain that comes and goes, is it a new pain or have you had it a while? Paula x

in reply to

Hi I first got this 2 yeart ago, but it comes for a few weeks and then goes. It got really bad in October but was diagnosed with B12 anemia but did not know this was a symptom, I may have to get it checked as I have just changhed my vitamins rcently and from your previous message I compared the amount of B12 and the new ones have less. So thank you for this as I will revert back to old vitamins and see if it improves. I will have to read up on B12 anemia so I know what its all about. Thank you your support has been valuablle Jo x

essexgirl profile image


leslaki profile image
leslaki in reply toessexgirl

Hi there, I have Psoriatic Arthritis, am at last on good meds for this now only took 3 years!, which is also an auto immune disease, so i guess there is a link but not confirmed by consultant or gp. I do know that I have suffered jaw and teeth pains for as long as i can remember. I did suffer with gum disease but i have that under control now, it seemed to improve once i stopped the gluten.

Lynxcat profile image

Hi Joking, I'm not sure whether this may be of help but women are prone to bone pains in the shin area and this my grandmother and mother told me many many years ago was easily cured with Epsom Salts, which is magnesium. There are a variety of other natural cures for pains that occur in the bones, joints and muscles.

As long as you have no deep underlying health problems (please check this out with your doctor), then you may find that one of the following will get rid of the pains that you have:

Turmuric tablets ..

Cat's claw capsules ..

MSM Organic Sulphur tablets ..

Devil's claw tablets ..

White willow bark ..

Magnesium tablets, etc ..

These are just a few of the pain relief options there are around. As I said above it is important that you make sure that you haven't any underlying health problems before trying any of the above out. It is best to test one item at a time and make sure that you read both the instructions for how best to take it plus any side effects that may occur so that you are fully informed. I have taken all of the above and have so far had no side effects with any of them but I have only purchased good quality ones and have either bought them from Holland & Barrett or Healthspan. Turmuric tablets are very good but quite expensive; Cat's claw has to be taken well before food but can be made into a tea - it has good grounding in pain relief and is used throughout the world; MSM Organic Sulphur is also good at both relieving and blunting pain; Devil's claw is mostly used for back pain but can relieve pain in other areas; White willow bark is a sort of natural aspirin and so is very efficient at controlling pain; Magnesium tablets help to reduce inflamed and painful areas but they also will often require frequent visits to the toilet as they can make stools loose.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply toLynxcat

Hello, I am so sorry that my first link was too long to stay in place - I have found another that you may want to glance about turmuric and its wide ranging ability to cure pain ..

Mia1057 profile image

I have a great deal of bone pain and have just been diagnosed with an over active parathyroid gland. This gland causes excess calcium in the blood by taking it from the bones. It also causes the kidney disease which I have and the osteoporosis. There is some reading on the association of both coeliacs and hyperparathyroidism in the American journals. It has taken about 10 years to finally get a diagnosis and it only takes two blood tests one for Calcium and one for PTH.

in reply toMia1057

I will have a look at this thank you :)

Apricot profile image
Apricot in reply toMia1057

Have coeliac (and diabetes) and problems with parathyroids.

Had three taken out in Dec 2009...but sorry cant report any real improvement. Yes I am sure there is a linkage.

But..Coelaics need to ensure Calcium levels are prevent osteoporosis...but if we are watching calcium levels ..the parathyroids get upset.

What I would now the liver damage...

I have swollen liver...and look pregnant...and I know I am not...but no one listens...

Take care all....

alifhp profile image

I am now 51 and was diagnosed with Coeliac at age 27. As I have grown older, my knee joints ache although I do still exercise. My finger bones are quite tender too, but I have always only put this down to aging and not coeliac. About two years ago it was suggested by my GP that I should take Thyroxine as my TFT levels were not within normal limits and obviously this is to do with an underactive thyroid. A tiny part of me was pleased at this, as I now get my prescriptions free, but part of me wonders what else is going to be affected - and is it down to Coeliac or just and age thing?

I am the same I'm 40 and was diagnosed last year. Up until then I had a series of unexplained illnesses. Lost my voice for months on end (hubby and kids loved it) joking aside I thought great a 'label' and I will be ok now, well I was wrong, Coeliac is given as an explenation to me everytime I visit GP but he does not explain it and how to try and correct it. My shoulder, feet and hip at times hurt so much I struggle to walk, i have been advised to take B12 which I have and the pain does not last as long maybe a day or two whereas before it was at least a week, at times I get dispondent but try not to show it to my children as they habve coeliacs too. Sorry for the rant but had a rough weekend due to cross contamination :( thanks for listening Jo x

KarenHelsby profile image

Do I hips kill and so do my knees and my teeth also.....Fifteen years as a coeliac and now 7 months lactose intolerence...but i have been following a low blood sugar diet and guess what.....NO PAINS.....i think our body's are sensitive to man made foods.....try to be as natural as possible.... and plenty of water instead of tea and coffee and this site is great for sharing hints and tips and support.....i personally have come to the conclusion in order to be well God made food not man made...boring but at least keeping well....and like joking my GP says its all part of coeliacs :(

TraceyFairclough profile image

Hi Joking, Many years ago when I thought I was cured i used to be unable to walk very far withought my hips hurting... I was about 30 and felt like i was 80!! I used to dread it if my Hubby mentioned going to a bootsale as i could barely make it round. Years later I was still suffering with bone pain mainly in my wrists and to the poing that sometimes I was craddeling them with the opposite hand or arm. I found it especially painful to push doors open. It was when it got to this point that my Dad mentioned this Coeliac thing that I had had years ago ??? After reading up on it I found that its a life long diesease and that you Never grow out of it ; ( I then went to my doc's who sent me for another biopsy which came back positive and I have tried to remain GF ever since. My bone pains and walking problems have completely dissappeared infact I can now RUN over 8 miles : )) I take calcium chewable with Vit D in (I think) and cod liver oil and I so far.. touch wood have no bone issues : )

missporterloo profile image

I must thank everyone as I have been suffering terribly with pains for quite a while now but Drs cant find anything wrong inc gut related illness as have problems there as well!!! i will look into the natural painkillers as have become inmmune to stronger pain killers as been on them for years |, Im only 40 but feel 80 half the time. Been told its wide spread chronic pain with probable mysofacial pain associated with fibromyalgia and basically learn to live with it!!! I should do wf wont be difficult as son is intolerant to just about all food, see my blog if you want to know more its easier to put what my son can eat, including wheat and gluten etc. glad to know im not alone will also look into B12 see what results I get . so thank you again

FionaGFG profile image

Yes we often have days of feeling like 80 yr olds despite being less than half that age!

Strangely our Doc just looks puzzled and blames it on CD too despite us being strictly GF with no anti-bodies in the 6 mth and annual coeliac tests.

Personally I found when I began to have yearly vitamin D injections to boost my low levels (despite eating fish, eggs and having days in the sun) I have much less bone ache. B12 is another deficiency that is common in coeliacs and can cause issues. Some coeliacs have pernicious anemia the auto-immune B12 deficiency which can cause severe problems so it's always worth talking to your Dr if you're concerned about your bone aches. All coeliacs should also receive a DEXA bone scan upon diagnosis to rule out bone problems.

Your Doctor can also do blood tests for inflammatory markers e.g. arthritis to exclude that from causing problems.

The thing is not to give up and get to the root of the problem. Often it is a simple nutritional deficiency caused by coeliac disease that just needs treatment by your Dr.

I am so glad I posted this, as I was begining to feel like a hypochondriac! I have been looking into paleo diet which is interesting and might give it a try. I feel they may be hope to stop this pain, I might make it round the cricket pitch this year :) I've started taking vitamin B12- 2 weeks ago and the mouth ulcers are much better and I was able to go for a walk yesterday with less pain. I was pleased with. Glad the post helped others, this is valuable. Have a good week JO :)

Ive been to GP today and he is testing my B12 Levels, calcuim and testing me for Graves disease (never heard of it) he feels i have all the symptoms of greaves? So thank you all for your support on this. I went to Gp with a lsit of all my aliments and asked him about B12 levels and calcuim levels which i fell propmted him to consier other things rather than just coeliacs disease :) maybe this is what we need to be doing. X

jackieO profile image

Sounds like low levels of Vitamin D to me! I know I work in endocrinology and that this is a hot topic right now but so many patients say they hurt and ache until they start on treatment to correct their low levels.

Could you let me know what is the best source of vitamin d as i am on a lot of vitamins and evenyually use food as my source as vitamins, which is how is should be

Penel profile image

15 minutes in the sun, without sun screen, is recommended.

Vitamin D is found in cod liver oil, oily fish, eggs, dairy products. It's a fat soluble vitamin, so you need to have some fat in your diet.

We have gone back to eating lard, which is a traditional source if vit D. Not to everyones taste I know!

in reply toPenel

i wear sunscreen all the time. i dont eat fatty foods or fish, oops, will try anything once :( thanks

Morningstar profile image
Morningstar in reply to

Only seen my dietician once. She said the vitamin D thing straight away and I have to have oily fish twice a week. It's just that before we have been diagnosed and put on the diet our bodies haven't been able to absorb nutrients and vitamins. So our immune systems are crap. easy way to remember if you can eat loads of different coloured fruit and veg. Peppers, onions oranges strawberrys etc. they are called superfoods as they also have antioxydents (help your body to stay looking younger), its all good. the body also needs monosaturated oil, it doesnt make it and needs it. rapeseed is a great one and is in Crisp and Dry chip oil. It doesn't need to be Holland and Barrett (they are a bit expensive).

Morningstar profile image
Morningstar in reply toMorningstar

Lol, just got a Holland and Barrett e-mail!

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to

Oddly enough cooking with lard does not make things taste fatty.

It has less saturated fat than butter and 45% monunsaturated fat. It's had a bad press!

Penel profile image

We need sunshine on our skins to make vit d. You could just expose your arms for a short time.

Cod liver oil is probably the easiest way to get your vit d. It's a complex subject!

in reply toPenel

Will be getting lots of sunshine now cricket season has started my son plays 4 times a week and I won't miss a game :)

Morningstar profile image

I get this too, It was on a website, said that you might have ridges in your teeth and your nails. When I checked I did. I think it might get a bit better after I have been on the diet for a bit though. My teeth also became a bit loose for a time as well,

Been to Gp following recent vitamins test and the pain in my bones, he did not have a clue despite me telling him another gp recently doing blood tests for greaves diease and vitamins deficiency, to be told they had lost my results so another set of blood tetse to be done :(

Spudsuzzy profile image

I get aching bones with coeliac but I have also been diagnosed through a dexa scan as having osteopenia (thinning of the bones) but think this was caused by calcium and vitD deficiency due to having coeliac. Its all related really I think, one seems to bring on another unfortunately.

Went to gp, he didn't have a clue, but referring for a bone scan and doing more blood tests on Wednesday. He is concered as I lost my voice 6th February and still can't talk properly.

Spudsuzzy, what do u take for vitd and calcuim and how you managing with the pain, I work full time and finding it v difficult but I work for the council, they won't reduce my hours :(

clairwebb profile image

i find that my hips heart a lot and dont no why wish i new why.

Go to GP and get a full blood test, my GP has suggested loads f things but nothing conclusive, waiting for my test result get them on Friday

alifhp profile image

Good luck with all your test results (hopefully, they have not lost them this time!) You must let us know how you get on.

I have started taking fish oil over the last month and have to say, my knees no longer creek going up and down stairs, there must be something in it doing the trick. Take care Ali x

Thanks Ali, some test came back today, it is not lukemia, B12 anemia, thyroid or calcium they have come back border line so need to up B12 and calcium. So that's a big relief not being lukemia but still confused as to what it is but there are still some results out standing. Will get them Friday. I bought cod liver oil today so started to give it a go, I also pushed through the pain barrier and walked 30 minutes in my local wood, daughter laughed as I was walking like an 'old woman' but it made us laugh. :) xx

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to

Very pleased to hear that the results were not as bad as you feared.

Good luck with the rest of the results.

Don't overdo the exercise, the pain barrier is there for a reason!

Hope the weather improves so that you can get some sunshine to go with the cod liver oil.

Finally results are in vitamin d defincy and possible ME/ chronic fatigue symdrome. At last I feel so relived I'm not going mad and now I can start and look to my future :)

Thank you everyone for your support it has been great xxxx

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