I have just been diagnosed with Celiac Disease been checking out some products at supermarket hardly anything available in Sainsbury’s any suggestions please !
Shopping for gluten free: I have just... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Shopping for gluten free
Stick to fresh produce. Sainsbury’s do have a lot of GF food but most of it is full of sugar. Have you joined Coeliac UK yet? there is an app you can download to help with your food shopping and a free booklet as well. My hubby is Coeliac but we both follow GF diet as it is much easier to shop.
Sainsbury's usually have a pretty decent free from sections, although in my opinion Asda have the largest, while Morrisons do the best own brand stuff.
It's fairly easy to get by on a diet that's naturally gluten free though. Things like rice, potatoes and all veg are already safe to eat, and they go with most meals
Each of us has different reactions to food we eat. To get on GF list things have a low G content. They have some gluten in them about 20 ppm. Over time you will develop you own list. Initially reading all the labels although contents are listed online at groceries shopping.
The last to be found were caramel, cooking oil and something else which I cannot recall.
You might find Ceoliac UK app and list a waste of time and money.
Thses are great products got to watch van's some is not GF
Also I shop at Kroger once a month
And Aldis have some good things as well
Thank you !
Large Sainsburys stores have quite a lot including fridge items but my smaller one locally is poor. Tescos are similar. Coop smaller stores and Waitrose are better. I believe Asda are quite good but I don't have a local one. Aldi and Lidl have near zero. Frustratingly there is too much sugar involved and if like me, oats are off the menu too, you'll struggle to find any biscuits to eat. I wish Coeliac UK would be more helpful about the oats issue and the myth of gluten-free beer which a third of coeliacs react to.
M&S are your best choice albeit pricy. They have taken wheat out of all their sausage range and many of their standard ready meals.
At first it does seem like we're in a blizzard of wheat and barley and it is an eye opener all the foods they are in but you will soon be able to guess what normal foods are likely to be okay..still check the pack to be sure of course. Good luck!