Cd you pls tell me the implications o... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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Cd you pls tell me the implications of a WHEATfree diet rather than GF? Sorry to sound dim,but feel i'm drowning in contradictory info!

nicf profile image
10 Replies
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NorthernSoul profile image

Do you have coeliac disease? If so, you cannot eat gluten- a protein found not only in wheat but also in rye and barley (and for some particularly sensitive people, oats too). If you continue to consume them, you'll still get symptoms!

If you have wheat intolerance, on the other hand, it's only wheat (not barley and rye) that's off-limits.

Hope that helps!

nicf profile image
nicf in reply to NorthernSoul

Thank you - Hubby still waiting for diagnosis, but has been sent a pack of gluten free goodies which include 'Gluten Free Wheat Starch' - am concerned as he has been told to avoid wheat now too...

tug_6 profile image
tug_6 in reply to nicf

Wheat starch is ok, there is no gluten, so any foods showing only starch is fine to eat.

meanioni profile image

If you are diagnosed as a coeliac, wheat free won't help, you have to go gluten free as gluten is also contained in wheat, barley, oats, and rye and other products made from those grains. Even if you eat wheat free you may still ingest gluten from those other sources (e.g. malt from barley)

If you are allergic/have an intolerance to wheat, you can go wheat free and this will help. Simply avoid substances obviously made with wheat, wheat flour or its derivatives. Gluten free food will be fine as this is wheat free plus free from barley, oats and rye. Cut out anything containing normal flour, biscuits, cakes, bread, normal pasta and/or replace with alternatives.

However, you should also watch out for other processed forms of wheat, which can include dextrose, maltodextrin, starch, modified starch, hydrogenated vegetable protein, glucose syrup, some vegetable oils (check to see if it is made from wheat or another safe grain, like rapeseed).

Implications? No major ones other than that you will have to substitute wheat/gluten free food into your diet and you should ensure you have enough carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, etc) to give you energy.

Hope this helps unless you have more specific questions?

nicf profile image

Thank you - might come back to you if more questions arise if that's ok? Much appreciated

meanioni profile image
meanioni in reply to nicf

Ask away there are lots of people with lots of experience here.

don't eat stuff with codex wheat starch if you can't tolerate wheat. Lots of prescription gf food has wheat with the gluten taken out so don't assume gluten free means wheat free. I have one niece who can't eat gluten and another who can't eat it is important to get it right! I don't eat wheat or any gluten source including certified gf oats as I can't tolerate the avenin in that.

If modified starch shows on labels it means it isn't made from wheat.

meanioni profile image
meanioni in reply to

>>If modified starch shows on labels it means it isn't made from wheat<<

Not necessarily, labelling requirements are that manufacturers should declare if products are derived from one of 14 substances (of which wheat gluten is one). And whilst there is a legal obligation, some products do not use proper labelling, so it is not safe to assume that just because it does not say "derived from wheat" it is OK to eat.

In my experience, Modified Starch is usually iffy.

nicf profile image

Thank you so much Lois - thought i was being over-cautious, but it looks lke it was just as well!

thanks meanioni - I was going by what the dietician at the Coeliac Soc said a couple of years ago.

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