Confused re lentils: gf or not gf? I ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Confused re lentils: gf or not gf? I thought they were naturally gf! Thanks!

Naturally GF! But they can be made in facilities where there is a risk of cross contamination.
Thanks. Does that mean I can only 'safely' eat lentils which are specifically stated to be gf? I have yet to see packages with that written on it... Are there particular brands? Thanks again!
I eat lentils all the time and am very sensitive and have no trouble. Lentils are such a different shape from wheat that a quick look should reassure you that there aren't any in with them. Little stones used to be a common contaminant so I used to always check for those, but no problem with them now either. If you are concerned give them a quick look and a rinse before cooking.
Thanks for that Lois, I was really taken aback in another discussion line (re non-meat alternatives for bolognaise sauce where someone specified 'gf lentils') cause it was the first time the thought occurred to me that lentils could be glutened! ARGH! Glad to hear I *should* be ok with normal lentils! I've got DH and the slightest exposure leads to hours and hours of unbearable itching...followed by nasty blisters, so unintentional glutening does literally irritate me out of my skin!
that is so gross for you Lexi - I love your description as it is so vivid
Check the packaging. When I was first diagnosed I was horrified to see the package of red lentils I already had stated on the Allergy Advice - "May contain gluten". Contacted the manufacturer who said it was in processing as they also made a lentil soup mix (for a high street health food store) which contains barley.
I am acutely allergic to gluten so as a Coeliac I have to be extremely careful, but I eat all kinds of lentils and have never had a problem so i am sure you will be ok with them.
Hi all
it depends on the company. I live in France and the Puy Lentils often have grains of wheat in with them. The coeliac group in France advises you to sift through the lentils before cooking them, rinse them then cook. This apparently has no gluten transferred and is OK for coeliacs. However I personnally by ones that don't have warnings on the packaging as I am vry sensitive.
So I would still advise reading the boxes.
Thanks all! Seems some people are ok with lentils and others aren't...a bit like oats then! I avoid oats, even gf ones, as I'm just starting out (2.5 months into my gf lifestyle) so want to give my body the best chance to recover. Thing is, I've looked at a lot of different packets of lentils and most DO NOT say 'may contain gluten'...which leaves you wondering... Even my two packets of Great Scott lentils (which another member has advised me are not safe, and I've checked the website and it does say on the website 'may contain gluten' ) do NOT say anything on the packets themselves...I have Great Scott red split lentils and green lentils. Another gf friend of mine went to check her packets, presumably more recently purchased, and they DO say 'may contain gluten'...
On another matter completely, I had a bad experience with plain KP salted peanuts, the wee packets they sell in the pubs. I took 2 or 3 handfuls of peanuts, and started to feel funny...then I started to itch (bad sign)...then I read the packet closely and suddenly it said 'may contain gluten'! I mean, come on! PEANUTS! That was a first and very unexpected for me, and for my other gf friends who regularly buy peanuts in the pub. For goodness sake! I got the pleasure of insane itching all over my body for the next 3-4 hours, followed eventually by the lovely little blisters...ARGH. Maybe I should start another question thread re peanuts? (I am not allergic to nuts of any kind, have eaten them all my life without any reaction whatsoever...)

The number one rule here is think about how an item gets to you? How processed is it? Is it likely it will be made in factory where they also process gluten items? The more mainstream / mass processed it is the higher the risk generally. To be on the safe side it's always best to read the allergen label and also read the ingredient label in case they've made a mistake in printing and omitted anything from the allergen box. The more natural the foods eg apples, grapes - the lower the risk of gluten containing foods or cross contamination. If in doubt - leave an item out or contact the producer direct for more information.
I just made a delicious soup with red lentils from Ohsheglows blog.... then huge stomach ache and bloat. I just checked the packets in the supermarkets and all have a warning, "not suitable for those with a wheat allergy due to manufacturing process."!!! This means that one can never really tell when eating out! I'll try the organic ones next and hopefully they won't cause the same reaction!