I was diagnosed 5 years ago
I live in the middle of farm land and... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I live in the middle of farm land and the farmers are currently harvesting wheat and barley. Can gluten be airborne whilst being harvested ?

I would have thought some of the gluten in the harvest would become airborne, however the risk of contamination shouldn't be too high due to wind moving the particles. Maybe don't do too much outside then they are harvesting.
Firstly you have to realise that the gluten protein is inside the grain harvested which is realeased when the grain is milled. And Plant proteins ate too heavy to remain in the general atmosphere.
The other thing that you have to bear in mind is that 'gluten free' means not more than 20ppm or 20mg per Kg so if any gluten is released into the immediate vicinity of a combine harvester it would probably be of an undetectable level. And below the level of gluten in codex wheat.
So I'd try not to worry about this unless you are having a bad reaction.

The airborne dust and mould particles produced during harvesting can cause respiratory problems in some people, but this is not related to gluten.
I live next to fields that sometimes grow wheat. I've found I do react when the farmer is harvesting, so I avoid being outside or putting my washing out. It's generally only a half day, so it's not too much hassle. Not sure if I react because of coeliac; could be because I can't have any wheat products on my skin either.
My husband is a farmer who grow wheat. I don't have any problems when he is harvesting the wheat but I have had problems when the wheat is being dried since there is a small amount of the wheat grain that gets broken down and comes out with the chaff from the drier. My advice would be that you're fine by the fields, just avoid the big grain dryers.