I had two stitches taken out on friday as my pressures werent coming done. Then the doctor need needled the bleb to get the pressure to go down. Does anyone know if this is done more than once or do they so it at post checkups if the pressures dont stabalise
Needling: I had two stitches taken out on friday... - Glaucoma UK

hi I had needling on the outer surface done in clinic before the release stitches came out brought mine down a bit also had anti scarring injection .
Then 2 weeks later fad release stitches out and was stable at 10 . Otherwise I was due needling into the drain hole which would gave to be done in theatre.
Back tomorrow and fingers crossed stable and my other 6 stitches coming out. Vision but better this week but been 10 weeks this week and such a roller coaster journey .
This recovery process has such ups and downs. My pressures have been all over the place. Im back at hospital on the 1st november for my fifth post op check up .Im hoping that my pressures have stabalised. Ive had four weekly checkups and this next one is two weeks from last friday.
needling can be done many times I believe . I so hope it is successful for you this time xx
hi , my pressure is 16 and my next check up is in two weeks. This is 5 weeks after my trabeculectomy was performed. Still very blurred vision in that eye and on maxidex drops 4 times a day. At least the excessive liquid in my eye has abated although I still wake with haloes in my eye. I need to keep positive that everything is working out for me. Thanks for all the supportive comments.