Driving : After 6 months of stress I finally... - Glaucoma UK

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Paros profile image
26 Replies

After 6 months of stress I finally have my driving licence back, to be reviewed in a year. 😊 It can be worth fighting.

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Paros profile image
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26 Replies
muddledme profile image

Very good news. I can imagine it has been a battle, but as you say well worth it.


Thank - you for sharing. It is worth the battle. I am a more cautious driver than before my enforced 'break', but until my optician & ophthalmologist tells me otherwise, I believe I am safer than many other drivers on the road. The Esterman FV test assessed that I don't perform unfamiliar tests in hot, noisy environments, especially when not made fully aware of my entitlement to undertake the test with and without glasses. I have to acknowledge the positive role this group and the admins contributed to my determination to carry on and to succeed. Well done, Paros.

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to

Yes I went to a different Specsavers branch for my second test, much better experience. Glad you also got your licence back. Best wishes.

JustAmanda profile image
JustAmanda in reply to

I repeatedly state here that there’s a lack of congruence in the way the field vision tests are conducted. This can be to our detriment.

It really is time for greater uniformity and for all SpecSavers to be working to similar standards. That includes options around wearing glasses; the conditions in the test environment; and the positioning of the chin rest.

in reply to JustAmanda

I absolutely agree. I have contributed to a sub - committee for Dept. for Transport to ask for more consistency in everything around the DVLA Esterman test. As I was given a 5 year medical licence, I assume that I performed badly first time round and that once familiar with the test, my 100% outcomes demonstrated my 3 months 'ban' was not necessary.

swanlady123 profile image
swanlady123 in reply to

Please contact the Administrators of society as i have done to see if they can help by raising these issues -everyone of us shoulsd do this cos its appalling -glaucoma bad enough without this worry re driving!!!!!!

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to JustAmanda

Yes I'm sure something wasn't set up properly first time around. My opthalmologist never had any concerns re me driving. Now I'll have to go through this annually. 😔

swanlady123 profile image
swanlady123 in reply to JustAmanda

yes I agree cos seems to be a poor service by Specsavers in some branches-makes you extra nervous when at mercy of some unaware staff! -its too important an issue for some staff etc to be not mindful enough-life changing for alot of people- perhaps not enough training as I suppose wont do it that much iro glaucoma issues. Long as Specsavers getting paid for the contract they wont be overly bothered for relatively few people it effects-revenue more important!

Wonder if Glaucoma Society could raise concerns with both Specsavers & DVLA. Dont suppose DVLAare that bothered in reality-who is these days if it dont affect them personally!

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to swanlady123

Yes it would be good if we could get someone interested in reporting on this.

swanlady123 profile image
swanlady123 in reply to Paros

It is very important indeed -makes me mad when I see young cyclists on road totally unaware of traffic& on their mobile phones etc with no road training- they more danger than most Glaucoma people but noone does anything bout them at all - cyclists do no wrong!!!-yet if accident caused by them it would be glaucoma patient to blame!!!! Totally unfair world -only concerned when its easy to do something!!!!

Perhaps we should all approach Glaucoma Society to help on our behalf cos individually no chance of being heard!

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to swanlady123

I'm happy to contact them. If they hear from several people it might get picked up. 🤔

swanlady123 profile image

Well done_so pleased for you!!

swanlady123 profile image

I will do so too-Im still pre glaucoma -but might affect me & now so nervous bout these field tests like never before.Its no joke for people & life changing!!!!!!

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to swanlady123

That would be great. Pleased that you're pre-glaucoma. Unfortunately I'm at a different end of the spectrum and have had two trabeculectomies. The second just recently which has only been a partial success. 😔

swanlady123 profile image

Ive just contacted them now . I just feel its a veryimportant issue!!!! I had slt few weeks ago & i am scared for future myself- lets all do what we can for us all!!!!!!

swanlady123 profile image

I urge EVERYONE to contact the Society -the more the better-nothing will ever be done if we all keep quiet or cant be bothered-we have to at least try & stronger as a group-if issue doesnt bother individual at moment it may do in the future.

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to swanlady123

Yes we need to raise the profile of this. Unfortunately my MP isn't very helpful, never replied to my email re shortage of opthalmologists 🙄Will keep in touch. Have a good day.

Bellamolly60 profile image
Bellamolly60 in reply to Paros

dissatisfied with the approach of MP

swanlady123 profile image

At least contact the administrators of the Society as I have done-I havent contacted MP yet but if I do I will badger til hes sick of me cos its important to so many!!!

swanlady123 profile image

Bugger shortage of opthamologists!!!!!....... suspend field tests then---- sorry but makes me so mad that the concerns of ordinary people are just written off so easily cos we dont matter cept when they want a vote only- bet if he or close relative was affected he'd find a way to do something or get wheels in motion!! Rage over now so wont be on all day!! -will wait for response from Society but please also contact them.

Bellamolly60 profile image

excellent result 🇺🇦👍

Dorsetjohn profile image

I also had to appeal after an unsatisfactory test at one branch of Specsavers, two other tests at different branches of Specsavers and an email to glaucomaqueries@dvla.gov.uk and I got my 3 year licence back.

Paros profile image
Paros in reply to Dorsetjohn

That's interesting you got 3yr licence, maybe I need to query it.Best wishes.

JustAmanda profile image
JustAmanda in reply to Dorsetjohn

After two recall visits I now have a 3 year licence (which is all I’d get at age 77 anyway).

Dorsetjohn profile image

Well if you go to another couple of Specsavers and get good results and your consultant thinks your OK then definitely appeal. Don't forget to contact glaucomaqueries@dvla.gov.uk as I said I got nowhere until I did.

Helphelp123 profile image

Hi thats good news . Do you have to re do the feild test again in 1 year time ?

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