Sunshine 8888: Hi folks all of a sudden I was... - Glaucoma UK

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Sunshine 8888

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Hi folks all of a sudden I was locked out of my account and had to sign up again so now there is a part photo of me instead of flowers and it’s Sunshine88888888! Just wanted all those I have been chatting too know it’s me the same person 🤣

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47 Replies

Hello Sunshine part 2 🌞. It's a lovely partial photo of you. Is your eye feeling better today ? It's so hot here today and I've just been out for ice cream x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi Witchie but frustrating about getting locked out of account, pleased I’m still in contact though! Yes each day is better, which is great. Hope I’ll hear about the two week follow up appointment soon. So many questions to ask yet again. It’s gone 7 and the sun is still hot! Dare I say summer has come! Hope you are having lovely walks and enjoying this gorgeous weather x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Weird you got locked out but you're back hurrah 😃. That's positive you are seeing an improvement every day . You should hear next week about your appt and yes have all your questions ready. It's still roasting here too and it's nearly 8 . I am indeed having lovely long walks and as I'm by the coast there's always a wee breeze which makes it more pleasant. I'm just about to take Lu out for her final walk of today but I will have to wake her up first.

Take care and keep recovering well c

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hi Sunshine, I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine 🌞 and taking it easy? Is your eye feeling ok ? Fingers crossed for for your check up tomorrow. X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ah thank you for thinking of me! Just been out with my daughter and grandsons to Paradise Park, absolutely beautiful and the weather is so hot. Kept my mind occupied today which is good, this time tomorrow I’ll be at the hospital. Hope you are doing well too and enjoying the brilliant weather xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

That's great you had a lovely day out, Paradise Park definitely sounds beautiful. I'm sure your daughter and grandsons were equally happy to see you. How old are your grandsons? I have one son and three younger brothers so I like boys best as that's what I'm used to .I've just got in from a walk with Lu, it's warm but overcast here with a nice sea breeze. We've been out for hours but weren't walking all the time we kept bumping into folk to have a blether with.

Let us know how you get on tomorrow, it's always a relief when your first check up is over and done with. X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

I have three grandsons, 6, 4 and 9 weeks! The middle one was four today so we took him out as a treat. When I’m with them I forget all my worries! 😊

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Aww that's lovely, 4 is such a gorgeous age and I think wee boys are so affectionate . My son still is and he's nearly 27. Children are definitely a blessing ☺️ x

Hi tagged you in one of my posts but with less 8s 😂 no I know it’s you. Welcome back. Xx

Sufitzy profile image

Welcome back x

floki7 profile image

Yes welcome back, enjoy the sun and forget your worries, well that's what i told myself on Friday, but it didn't work out like that ! lol, but I have just been down the beach with the dog, now after all that walking, time to sit in the garden, with a book till the wife is home from work at 1pm. Enjoy the weather everyone !

in reply to floki7

I hope you have lunch ready for your wife coming home ? 😁The sunshine makes everything seem better . Have you now stopped drops in operated eye and is it feeling ok? My partner went to your place of birth yesterday on his motorbike and said he had never seen it busy, huge queues for everything ,so he got no food or anything to drink and they've started charging for loo n he also had no money !!!! Not his best day out in Peebles !!!

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Ha ha that sounds off putting, they all have to recuperate 12 months of lost money, its the same in Sussex. Wife dosn't eat lunch except if we go out, so that was a bonus, not having to get up ! lol. Eye is still blurry, and get the odd bit of discomfort in it, stopped the drops last Saturday, and find the suns glare is annoying even with sunglasses, but happy about it all. Next time your partner says he is going to Peebles, talk him out of it !!Hope you are well.

in reply to floki7

That's very true and the sunshine brings everyone out anyway. He won't be going back anytime soon ha ha 😉. I think the eye discomfort can last a fair while and then one day it goes and and lots of people on here had blurriness for quite some time too. I just wear my sunglasses pretty much all the time now unless it's totally overcast but they are always in my bag just in case. It's great only putting drops in one eye, I find it saves so much time. 😃.

I'm well and enjoying the weather, I've just been for a long beach walk and then came home through the fields.There's a lovely sea breeze so it was very pleasant. Now it's time to start dinner .

Take care

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Yes i think you're right about the discomfort, just part and parcel I'm afraid. Sunglasses are the order these days.Its great walking on the beach with the dog, we have the beach 15 mins away one way, and the countryside at Goodwood 10 mins the other way.

in reply to floki7

I'm about a minute from a wee beach and 10 from the fields, it's definitely excellent for a dog. You are well situated too. I always hated wearing sunglasses but now it is definitely the norm.

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Sounds lovely where you are, and with you all the way with sunglasses, used to dislike wearing them myself, but now have half a dozen pairs, plus a prescription pair for driving lol. Hope the weather stay good up there for you.

in reply to floki7

Yes it's gorgeous in summer but not so great in winter with the winds battering in from the sea 😱. I've only got 2 pairs of sunglasses both identical as I'm so fussy they are the only ones I like. Thank you, yes some decent weather is long overdue.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Sounds a beautiful location! Enjoy 😊

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Thank you it is, I love my wee village . I must phone tomorrow and get an appointment at opticians before my next hospital appointment. Yuk x

Sunshine88888888 profile image

It’s been a beautiful day, and yes sunglasses all the way! I’ve got three pairs guess I’ll need another pair when my eye has settled in about four weeks time. I have a draw full of glasses, my prescription seems to change so quickly. Hope you have all had a glorious day! Keep healthy x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Well Sunshine you inspired me to get my act together and I have now made an opticians appointment 😱. I have been putting it off for a fortnight and thanks to you no more putting it off x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ha ha well done! I have another battle on my hands, had my op May 26th and told I would return for a two week follow up appointment. Well appointment arrived today , July 13th. The surgeon stood next to me and said to the nurse it would be a two week follow up. He also said there was a risk the post op meds would increase my pressures so I would need to be seen. Rather surprisingly he also said my right eye would be operated on in four weeks. Well that’s not going to happen by the sounds of it. So tomorrow morning I need to pin the hospital down! Why does it always seem a battle! I have such respect for the NHS however it’s so hard at times xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Oh goodness why does nothing ever just go smoothly, July the 13th is way too far away. The last thing you need while recovering from op is all this hassle. You need to know your eye pressure and that everything is progressing as it should.Sounds like the hospital have really messed up, I hope you manage to get it sorted out tomorrow and an appointment in June.

If consultant is planning on operating on your other eye you really do need to know a date.

Let us know how you get on x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

I’ll let you know how I get on in the morning xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Good morning just got off the phone to the hospital, yes I do have an appointment on July 13th which is my normal check up. The nurse was very surprised I hadn’t received my letter regarding the follow up appointment after the cataract surgery, which is on June 9th, she is now sending letter! Exhausting chasing however hopefully all in place again! Have a lovely day xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Oh hurrah, thank goodness for that. So you may well have your next op in a few weeks time. I had both my op cataract ops within 6 weeks of each other and although it meant there was quite a long period when I was on loads of drops and had to take it easy, I preferred to just have it over and done with. You can relax and enjoy the sunshine now 🌞😃 x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

That is definitely one question I want to ask, the second is re pseudoexfoliation. During the pre op chat the assistant surgeon discussed the surgery with me and risks associated with pseudoexfoliation which I’ve know about since early 2019, and interestingly seeing a different consultant/ doc at each appointment all confirming condition. Then the senior surgeon enters, literally took 20 seconds if that looking at my eyes and said she hasn’t got pseudoexfoliation! He left as quickly as he entered so I had no time to think let alone discuss with him. So who knows what I will be told on next appointment! Thank goodness the sun is shining! Have a lovely day 😊xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

How bizarre, I would love to think he was correct as would be one less concern for you but I too would be questioning it. If every other Dr has been wrong since 2019 that's a bit concerning but stranger things have happened. I do hope his very short examination and evaluation is true though. X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ha ha let’s see what happens next 😊xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

With you who knows !!!???? 😜X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ha ha you sound like my daughter! She is never shocked these days bless her takes it all in her stride like the day I got on a train and joined a London protest March however somehow managing to be at the front! So I thought I had better warn her before she might see me on TV! 🤣xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

😱😅 x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Well as I said I’m never thrown by the unexpected however I signed up for the PatientsKnowBest site (run by the NHS, stores all letters, appointments etc) really good idea. So I thought let’s check on appointments coming up June 9th, then July 13th as both letters I have now received are identical apart from dates. Fortunately I had already phoned hospital re June 9th and knew that was my post op visit. However for July 13th the website said Minor Op! Checked with hospital and yes I’m having a biopsy on a lesion on lower right eyelid! No mention of this at all in letter. So thankful I checked! I asked if I would have to have a COVID test, they couldn’t answer so I need to chase this up. I’m pretty exhausted with all the chasing, beginning to think it must be me! Surely an appointment letter could just have a statement at the top making it clear what the appointment is for. This must be happening to other patients in my local health authority it can’t just be me! Sorry not feeling too positive this morning it’s raining, come on sunshine! I know it will be ok soon 😊x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I actually am speechless and that never happens!!!! I don't understand why the letters don't clarify what the actual appointment is for, especially when it's an actual procedure. Thank goodness you signed up for the website but you shouldn't have to be phoning the hospital for an explanation and then not even getting all your questions answered . When exactly would they inform you of need or not for covid test. I am not surprised you aren't in a positive mood this morning, it is mentally draining all this phoning around trying to get answers. You have had to do this so many times now with prescription etc too.

You are correct this has to be happening to a lot more people than you.

Big hugs to you x

floki7 profile image

Sounds like you are being led a merry dance, nothing seems to be straightforward these days, same here with my hospital. Not heard of PatientsKnowBest site but sounds good so will check that out. Best Wishes.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to floki7

Information regarding Patients Know Best leaflet came with my last appointment letter. There was an invitation to sign up to My Health and Care Record, which I did and found it useful, however don’t sign up if you would still like to get your appointment letters by post!!!!

floki7 profile image

Hmm, have to give that some thought, thank you.

Hi Sunshine how are things with you ? I hope the quote for your car wasn't too bad and it's mended now or well on way to being mended. Have you been managing okay with getting to your mum's and are you able to get into her village again by vehicle, I hope you haven't had to get the bus and then walk ? X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi Witchie thank you for thinking of me, squirrel attack costing £400+ to get car repaired! Mums village thankfully open again to cars and buses, so that has made life much easier. Now have date for second cataract op, July 23rd, so COVID test on the 21st. Biopsy on eye lid on 13th July, so getting there! Just waiting for date for laser for left eye and then maybe a bit of a rest 🤣how are you? Hope you are getting out and about walking? Noticed you too are into crystals! Don’t suppose you read cards too? Take care x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Ouch that squirrel certainly did a fair amount of damage, not what you need at all. Glad your mum's village open again, one less hassle for you. July is going to be a busy wee month for you, hopefully you do get laser date soon and then you can just recover and stay away from hospitals for a while.

Did you say before it's your birthday on the 21st as that was meant to be Freedom Day? I hope you manage to do something nice as I think you deserve a wee treat.

I'm fine, I had optician's yesterday and contrary to what I was told about eye prescription not changing due to artificial lenses , load of rubbish, mine is totally different again !!! Otherwise all went well no more vision loss etc. Eye pressure 16/17 so though within normal range higher than consultant wishes.

I do indeed do tarot readings, a friend bought me my set of cards for my 40th birthday so I've been doing readings for nearly 20 years. I started doing them for blokes at work and at first they thought it would be a laugh but it soon changed when the cards they chose were oddly accurate. I do readings for all my friends and my son makes me do a reading for every new girlfriend( there's been a few). I love crystals and their healing powers and have them dotted all over my house.

Do you do tarot readings ? X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi Witchie so pleased there is no more vision loss! I just knew you probably read cards! And yes, I do too, just love them. Only done a few readings for other people, love that your son gets you to do a reading for each new girl friend 🤣

in reply to Sunshine88888888

That's brilliant I've only ever known one other person who read tarot and he was bloke at work but not on my shift. I'm totally self taught but once I start doing a reading I just get weird feelings and they always turn out to be true. Yes my son is a riot, if they don't pass the tarot test they are out 😱 x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ha ha bless him! I’m self taught too xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I think you said previously today was your birthday , hope I've not got it wrong !!!!?Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎁. Hope you have a lovely day and have something lovely planned to celebrate.

I learnt something interesting the other day, as you know I'm interested in crystals and gemstones and their healing powers, well I'm an October birthday ( Halloween in fact) and so opal is my gemstone. I knew it signified hope but it's also the stone to help with eye disease. I have my Nana's opal engagement ring and another my partner bought me both of which I love, so this year I am asking for opals galore for my birthday 😃. Have a great day and eat lots of cake 🎂 x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Thank you so much Witchie for remembering my birthday! Wow that’s amazing about the opals and having your Nana’s Opal ring, it was meant to be! Having the Opal ring and not the glaucoma I mean 🤣have a good day, and if you get a chance to have a cake raise a slice to me! Have a good day 😘xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I will raise 2 slice of cake to you 😋 x

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