Just been diagnosed with fnd need to places I can go or talk to for help regarding this condition as I drive for a living and looks like I'm going to lose my license as have had two blackouts
Help finding info : Just been diagnosed... - Functional Neurol...
Help finding info

Hi Paul where are you in the world? It depends on where you are. I have phone counselling on a weekly basis. If you’re in the U.K. ask the GP for a referral to a specialist neuropsychologist. Your neurologist should arrange this but you can ask the GP too. Once referred there’s no hard set rule about seeing someone face to face if this helps you. If you’re not referring to counselling and are seeking help with a group of fellow FNDers then there are several groups across the UK that meet on a monthly basis. I’ve recently found this place and it helps me to come on here too. I also believe in God and he is what keeps me positive. Dom
Hi where are these groups please? ive had a diagnosis 3 years ago, waiting for a referral as no-one knows what it is, should have seen a neuro in april? still waiting, sadly i am out of the area for help...(thats what im constantly told ) x
Hi I found them on the FND Hope website :
Sorry my dia you can try herbal it what is helping me at the moment because my vision is also really bad
You need to stop driving. It’s dangerous for you and the other people on the road. I had to give up driving and I miss it terribly. You have to concentrate on your health now.