Tips on how to cope with the weather. - Functional Neurol...

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Tips on how to cope with the weather.

Keepstrong profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope this information will be useful to you all.

It's what's worked 20 years for me every summer and also clients I had when I had my holistic therapy business.

Most people take to the bed that they feel their energy is just to low they are to fatigued so bed is best place because they are so sore.

Unfortunately that's not the case an you can check with your physio or doctor to confirm what I'm advertising here.

If you take to the bed even with no covers, your body temperature is going to still soak into your mattress and that is going to not only suck up your energy but it's gone to feed your fatigue like a ant in a sugar bowl.

This in turn will cause your oxygen to turn stail in some parts of your body and will cause the pain and spasms to flare up and this will effect your mood and cause you to feel down or depressed.

If you can do your best to stay up from your bed and place your pillow cases into a plastic bag and place them into the end your fridge or freezer for half an hour or an hour before your bed time, it will help you sleep better

Also fold your bed clothes down to the end of the bed and let the air circulate around your bed maybe when your home leave the window slightly open but don't leave it open to much for safety reason of course .

If you can keep some still water in your fridge and drink 8/12 small glasses from morning to no later than 7pm. This will rid any stail oxygen from your body and it will remove an discomfort or physical fatigue an that in turn will help also your emotional fatigue and energy to be released from your body along with any toxins that may be causing you problems.

If you cannot drink water on its own, then use a Cork of your favourite juise that's suger free to the water. It's just very inportant to either drink the amount of glass of water suggested or even to buy small bottles of water and ever half hour or so drink one.

The more you can stay active the more your body, muscles, mind, energy and anywhere you are in pain. Will thank you for it.

If you need to lay down then lay down on the sofa but after every half hour or hour get up an move around a little. This will all help. If your not allergic to roses then you can use rose spray on your face an base of the back of your head to help cool you down. If you have restless feet spray some on them too.

If you have a carer or a loved one who would oblige you by just massaging some rose cream or even plain non sented moisturiser or a tiny bit of peppermint oil added and ask them to do your legs an feet in a upward movement from your feet front and back.

This will not only improve your blood flow and release muscles that's tight or in spasms, but it will also improve your health physically and emotionally.

The more your able to try be active even if it's very small the more you will feel like your getting a hold on your health conditions.

I so hope this will be of some help to you all.

I wish you a happy and healthy life's journey dear friends. Sending out Healing hugs Comfort and light Ce. Keep strong.

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10 Replies
LEEJUNFAN profile image

Hi there,

Great info and advice.

Thank you.

My wife has a variety of health issues, including FND, and last week was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia too.

The pain and fatigue is really bothersome.

I want to ask you, have you ever tried Chinese Medicine Balls?

I purchased some today for Kim, as I know they can aid with brain coordination and help with stress, and having a lifelong interest in Martial Arts, we're heavily influenced by the far eastern philosophies, as they incorporate the mind, body and spiritual aspects.

I massage Kim's body, and a Paramedic once told me that, the reason why her spasms stop when I do this, is due to Kim's body recognising a new set of body signals from mine.

I wish she could have mine permanently!

Thank you for the massage tips, as doing it from the bottom upwards sounds very understanding to me.

Something about helping the Lymphatic glands if I'm correct.

God's blessings be with you always.

Tony and Kim xx

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to LEEJUNFAN

Hi Tony 🤗

Reading your message makes you sound just like my hubby Joe the way he looks after me. Your Kim is lucky to have you, as am I lucky to have Joe.

Yes Tony your spot on, the massage movement upwards is for the blood flow and the draining of the Lymphatic system. But the difference is when the massage is for the purpose of drainage of the lymphatic system, you would massage upwards an continue to the nearest gland. That's how you do it. So when your doing Kim legs for instance, you would go from the toes up to the ankles an drain into the glands at the side the ankles. Then go from the ankles up to the knees and massage across to the glands at the sides of the knees, but just be mindful of the tenderness that Kim will have at the sides and possibly the back of her knees due to the fibro myalgia syndrome. FMS.

As to the NFD if you go to YouTube and type in free mindfulness meditation an ask Kim to work with it while you're doing her massage, it will help her big time also. An please as I do keep have to remind Joe all the time ' it's so inportant for a carer to look after themselves too. So now I'm reminding you. Will you please make sure to mind yourself also it's very easy to easily to get carers burn out, I know from painful experience and I was wipe out with it. Make sure you also do some mindfulness meditation and get out for walks to clear your head on your own as well.

If ever you need any further information or advice or just want to chat, please do you and or Kim can contact me anytime.

Sending you both soft healing hugs with comfort and light. Ce keep strong 🙏🤗😇

LEEJUNFAN profile image
LEEJUNFAN in reply to Keepstrong

Hi there,

Thank you for that very informative info regarding the massage.

Getting time out is always important, and we go out to the Countryside very often by bus.

We live in Manchester.

If you wish to send an email, we would be most happy to keep in touch.

I don't know how to send my email to you privately on this site, but if you know, please advise me.

Thank you again and best wishes to you both.

Tony and Kim xx

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to LEEJUNFAN

Hi Tony and Kim 😊🤗😇 I have sent you a message on this site, it's quite safe and very private. If you don't have notifications on for this site, then just look up the very top an you will see the home page and the 9 little dots and then speech bubble and then a bell and the search icon and then your profile picture. Go to the speech bubble and click on it an you will be able to see my message and reply. If you wish to send a message to anyone you just click on their profile photo and it will lead you to their page about them and you will see the option to message them its the speach bubble. 😊 I have already sent you a private message there. 😊👍😇 Chat soon, take care both of you hugs with comfort and light to you both. Ce. 🙏😇🤗

M3rry profile image

Another note about freezing your pillows - it'll also kill of dust mites. If you are one of the many people who react to them this is a cheep and chemical free way of controlling them.

The idea of cold pillows over the next few days is so attractive. (Thankfully I'm not in the US - the UK is only getting 30 degrees!)

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to M3rry

Hi Lass. 🤗

Yes it is good for killing bacteria and dust mites but always inportant to keep the lunch bag closed tight an only to have the bag an item in for half an hour to a hour max before use.

I'm glad your not effected with the heat temperatures. A lot of us are even though we live all over the world.

Some countries like where I live, Ireland are just not use to or prepared for these high temperatures but its lovely to have. One we take the measures of keeping hydrated and cool.

I hope you enjoy your day. Thank you for your comment. Sending you energy of healing hugs with comfort and light. Ce. 🤗🙏🤗😇

M3rry profile image
M3rry in reply to Keepstrong

I have had the fortune to live in some hot places, any little thing that keeps you from sleeping makes a huge difference to how you cope with the little things in life.

I will be visiting Dublin in a few weeks - I am paying a lot of attention to your weather too.

One small note I thought of late night - keep an eye on your sodium levels. Drinking water will keep you from dehydrating but sweating will also pull sodium from you. A lack of sodium will make neurological symptoms worse - and give you a headache on top.

keep to the slip/slap/slop advice - it doesn't just stop sunburn, it will reduce heatstroke (along with Keepstong's advice on drinking lots).

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to M3rry

Hi Mary. I'm glad your coming to Ireland, weather here is very good but as always very changeable. So always have a small fold away umbrella with you. Take today for instence. Where I am in Dublin is about 17c but very heavy hail showers on an off through out the day, yet the heat temperature is rising. The reason I mentioned still water is because it won't raise the sodium level like sparkling water will an you can always use green tea cooled down an made into ice cubes to put into a glass of water. Doctors and neutrin therapist recommended that in this changeable weather especially when you have conditions that prevent you from being more mobile then what you use to be, they recommend you drink 8 small glasses of still water throughout your day but finishing early like 7 in the evening so you won't be making regular visits to the bathroom over night. The still water will prevent perspiration that is one of the reasons for dehydration and it fills the body with oxygen so that the stail oxygen toxins be flushed out of the body.

I hope you have a good day and you enjoy the weather. Best wishes Ce. 🤗😇🙏

M3rry profile image
M3rry in reply to Keepstrong

Drinking any water is a personal problem for me. For some reason my throat doesn't always register water and I end up inhaling instead of swallowing. the only way I can change this is to make sure there is enough flavour in water for my tongue to register it as food - that way I do not have to concentrate on swallowing.

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to M3rry

Sorry to hear that Mary, but please take comfort in knowing your not alone with that uncomfortableness.

Anyone with any form of muscle conditions or even sleep apnea has the same problem, myself included.

Yes your so right as to using flavors. This why I suggested in my original post to add juice or make ice cubes out of the likes of green tea or peppermint unless of course your a diabetic then you would not use pepeement.

The muscles surrounding the air ways are only to wise as your body having muscle temperature changes causing discomfort to the body in flair ups especially neurological ones li'e what we all go through. So when our sences pick up something as cold as plain water coming at us, our throat goes onto fight or flight. But if there is the likes of juice or cold herbal tea of some flavour added to it then our sences won't go into fight or flight an will go to the surrender position.

Also the soft spot at your throat is called your Thymus. A'd that's where your muscles close off from some times. Ever noticed you might take a fit of coughing like something has went down the wrong way yet you where not eating?. Thus is part of our health conditions related to any for if muscle health we may have.

So if you are speaking, or after coughing or trying to take some fluids.

Always use your pointer and ring fingers placed close together an tap your Thymus 5 times one after the other very softly but yet pressure enough to relax the muscles.

I hope you will find this useful Mary and it helps you. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏 I wish you a happy wonderful day. Keep strong and be well. Ce. 🤗🤗🤗

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