New diagnosis: I was diagnosed with FND 8 months... - FND Action

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New diagnosis

Silky12 profile image
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I was diagnosed with FND 8 months after a hospital visit for numbness and tingling down my left side. Having woken from sleep thinking I had slept funny and had pins and needles in my left arm I stretched it out and after a few hours of no relief and the tingling moving to my face I called out of hours doctor who told me to attend a&e.

They carried out tests of heart, blood pressure, bloods. All which came back normal apart from thyroid test which was later normal in follow up test. CT scan with and without contrast carried out on head which was normal. Was then discharged to be seen as outpatient for MRI of the brain and cervical spine (not full body) and this came back clear.

I was told my symptoms could be anxiety related and would likely resolve on their own. However they didn't and increasingly got worse and have since developed new symptoms.

I have experienced the following: numbness and tingling in left arm and leg daily with new milder developments in right arm. From three months onwards after hospital visit i have experienced shooting, burning and crawling sensation in left leg and arm. High discomfort when trying to sleep and always waking with tingling and not feeling refreshed. Some days I experience fatigue to the extent I cannot function properly and cannot commit to plans. I have hip pain which ranges from a belt tightening feeling on my left side to whole pelvic and hip area being in pain.

When walking distance at speed or incline my leg becomes tired quickly and feel the need to take a break. Not nessecarrily related to walking, but feeling of buckling knee on occasion. Sciatic pain felt when lighting heavy object or climbing stairs which that comes and goes based on lifting items (have had to get rid of Henry hoover as could not carry upstairs without pain). Numb feeling in bum if sitting too long or driving too long which is made worse using clutch. Hot and cold sensitivity in left hand with incidence of sharp electric shock feeling in tip of one finger when washing hands in non warm water, which lasted a few weeks. Stabbing feeling in eye which comes and goes, can be multiple times a day and week, go for day or weeks and come back.

Was prescribed folic acid for three months with no change to symptoms apart from feeling less tired at nights.

Felt as though my symptoms aligned with MS until scans came back clear. Have since been diagnosed with FND but am struggling as don't meet the positive tests/haven't been tested in them?

Has anyone else been diagnosed without positive tests such as hoovers sign, tremor, weakness such as can't lift leg or seizures? I haven't had tremors or sezuires or black outs or dissociation or limb weakness to extent of paralysis.

Was diagnosed on first visit with neurologist within 15 mins. He suggested he could have said it was FND without the scans etc. Have been prescribed gabapentin and am waiting on clinic letter.

Anyone else has a similar experience?

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