What tests have people had: Hi everyone this is... - FND Action

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What tests have people had

headache24 profile image
2 Replies

Hi everyone this is the second time of me writing this message as I couldn’t remember what I had so came out to look when I came back it was gone, not good when your memory is shite and you’re in and out trying to look things up 😡.

Anyway I was sort of diagnosed with nfd at the beginning of last year after a drawing/ problem solving/ memory test. Im still getting headache but not as bad and still getting migraines but not as many. ai have do have good days and I make the most of them and do as much as I can but then I’ll be out of action for the next week or so. My partner knows when I’m starting to have a turn he can hear it in my voice and the vacant expression on my face. I am getting worse I do know that my memory is getting worse (apparently), I’m more clumsy as in dropping things, walking into things and falling over and generally being a tit in a trance. I’m twitching more hence the dropping things and when I’m relaxing it can be a mild muscle flutter to a full on body jerk.

I’ve recently had another mri and this time it showed that I now have mild general global atrophy, has anyone else had that? Also what tests have people had to be diagnosed? So I can approach my neurologist the next time I see him.

I hope you’re all doing ok

Much love


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headache24 profile image
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2 Replies
cocoferraro profile image

Hello there, my name is jane as well!I read your email with much interest.

I was diagnosed with FND 12 years ago.

Also had the test drawing, memory etc, but also brain scan, telephapy treatment and rehabilitation, plus all the tablets they have got meon. Although I do not dissagree with them.

I have bad headpains-similar to tight band around the head and dizzie spells.

My husband also know when one is coming one, and does all in his power to calm me. I have noticed that \i am more clumsey, smashing things and forgetting appointment that we have on that weekm, also what day it is!!!-makes me feel soooo bad.

Sorry I do not know what your test showed, GLOBAL ATROPHEY, but I will google it now.

I have not been able to work because of my FND for 10 years.

Please take carex

headache24 profile image
headache24 in reply to cocoferraro

Hi Jane

Thanks for replying hun, I had to google telepathy never heard of it before, well apart from the general banter about being a mind reader or tele-pathetic 😆. What was it they did to you? Also what rehabilitation did you have?

Only tonight I broke another plate, last week I fell over in the back garden luckily no damage only carpet burns on my hands from the astroturf good job my partner was about so we could laugh together ( nothing worse than laughing on your own). My partner says it’s like I’m on drugs or drunk when I’m having bad days it’s like I’m having mini blackout. I hate bright lights and loud music some high pitches go through me like a knife, and can I only talk to one person at the time without any background noise or talking, and I can sleep 24-7. Other than that I’m absolutely fine

I do feel like a fraud sometimes do you? on those days it’s because I’ve been sat on my bum all day and had no any conversations with anyone.

Have you ever thought it could be ms? That’s what is going through my mind at the moment- but then what do I know.

Do you drive or have you been told to stop driving? I still drive but only on good days and never at night and no more than a 10 minute journey.

I’ve read through what I’ve written and amended some mistakes I’m sure I’ve missed a load though, and it looks like an application form with all the questions I’ve asked you 😂. Anyway as the puzzle/memory doctor told my other half I’m “childlike and vulnerable” 😳 bloody cheeky cow.

Take care of yourself

Sending you lots of love


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