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Home after hospital stay FND investigation for blackout and sleep Seizure's any advise how to do what neuro &medic say I must do?🀣

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Hi friends, sorry for delay in replying to comments and messages, I was in hospital due to the Seizure's for a week and I was quite unwell.i had to leave before my Time due to my family and I being moved into a very small 2 bedroom apartment. Never did I feel such an outsider in my own home town. There is only 4 Irish families out of 30 that are from here our own country Dublin Ireland.

The rest is 90% polish and the other 10 mixed culture. But it's very surprising that it's actually the polish men and their children who are causing so much chaos. Parties till 3/4 in the morning then turning on each other and then their wives.an this is going in directly over our heads as we are in the ground floor and then their children are running a muck in the little garden given to us and looking into our windows to see what we're doing an their parents just laughing when we till them to stop.

Is it any wonder I'm taking Seizure's galore?. We have 3 month's of this to go before our Extension is build for me to use the wheelchair they say I must use.

But here is the funny part. I have copied a bit of the reply message I have sent some my friends here. It's actually quite funny an I would love to hear from any of you amazing warriors who might have a salutation to do what the Neurologist and the Medical professional teams say I must do.

Here we go.

The Neurologist has said that it is the Neurologcal function Seizure's I'm having that's lasting up to some times 2 minutes an I would need to use my Cepap for oxygen so my husband or some one must put it on me if Seizure's go on over two minutes. They said my brain is perfectly normal ,But all my sencerys lose the commands from my brain and my brain stops functioning and the body sencerys go into a Seizure then the brain reboots. But hey my brains normal πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ There is nothing can be done only avoid over stressful situations ( hello I'm Irish living in a polish allowed only estate in my own native town) 🀣🀣 also to keep all my physical conditions under control as much as I can so it won't cause the sencerys to stop functioning to the brain. ( Yep piece of cake)πŸ™„πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£

Soooo apart from the fact that some of these nasty neighbors from hell are not helping my situation and I'm putting it out there that the ones we have not met yet are like the amazing hard working, caring very nice polish people I have met in life that just might be able to tell the not nice ones to back off were only here for 3 month's, can any one here advice me what they do to help prevent Seizure's when they go asleep? Also I'm now taking them when I get over tired too I just pass out and go into a Seizure. My body is sore after the ones I have taken lately 😣😭

Any advice be so welcome right now.

Wishing you all well and sending hugs of healing comfort love and light πŸ™β£οΈ

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