With finasteride taking trump, we will never see significant research gains. The drug companies will become complacent with profit and federally funded research will remain stagnent. I think it's time our prostate cancer community stands up for a change that might save our lives and encourage impeachment and replacement of trump with Pence.
Time to impeach for prostate cancer - Fight Prostate Ca...
Time to impeach for prostate cancer

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I have heard a lot of reasons to impeach Trump, but not prostate cancer research... Original, I guess... The current state of research...
According to the bar graph, PCR funding has increased under Trump from 80 million to 100 million per year...It had been held at 80 million from 2006-2016 per the bar graph...
What has helped us in new developments is: the Watson-Crick DNA model and the ability to determine genetic mutations through better testing; newer and better scans to find cancer faster; breakthrough treatments like developments of Abiraterone, Enzalutamide, Apalutamide, Darolutamide, Lu177, AC225, SBRT, and the list goes on...
Some of this money has funded these new developments...
As an Independent, I do not think impeachment is the answer. I do not have much faith in politics. I have participated in a Zero event and will do more...I give money to PCF... I believe we each have a responsibility to help out by raising money and seeing it gets into good hands.. I believe that there are several drugs in development and some vaccines that will change the course of this disease to chronic state and possibly....cure...
What should we do?? Raise money--sponsor an event, Call your congressman or senator on funding if you think that will help, and participate in clinical trials (which I did), and.... FIGHT ON !!!!
Good luck to all....
Don Pescado
You clearly think you know what you are talking about, but I think you don't. The PCF company is founded by fellon Micheal Milken. The PCF CEO makes over $1.6 million dollars a year....that's way out of line. The Zerocancer company takes millions from pharmaceutical companies. For example, it took $83 million from a company called Janssen between 2013 and 2017. I'm an accountant and take care to learn about who I contribute to. Your comment about a $20 million increase in research funding is moot, as that is a drop in the bucket and likely more from the late McCain's influence and maybe some activism from Bidens Cancer Moon Shot lobbiests. Funny side note: Biden's son Hunter, who is mentioned with the Ukrainian incident around impeachment, was secretary-treasurer of the zerocancer company, and he seems to have left right before Janssen corrupted zerocancer with the $83 million. Probably Hunter Biden saw the curruption of that and left, but, I don't see any of that in the public financial records.
I look at what is accomplished...CEO's in foundation make over a million annually and that is the standard sadly as they are not worth that...
In the last few years, we have seen abiraterone, enzalutamide, apalutamide, darolutamide, and the many other discoveries that have occurred through DOD funding and foundations,...
If you do not like PCF and Zero, then who do you advise to give donations to for prostate cancer research??
Finally, explain in detail, how removing Trump and having Pence be President will result in a serious increase in funding for prostate cancer research. I don't think it will matter, and thus...this is a political exercise at best...
Don Pescado
I took a few minutes to see who else is funding prostate cancer research. PCF funds research---I don't like the organization at all, but, I can not deny that they fund research. Zerocancer does NOT fund research and seems to do a piss poor job of getting public dollars for research. The American Cancer Society funds prostate cancer research, though I will need much more time to uncover how much and to what percentage they fund. I see the Malecare nonprofit company funds research on a small scale and seems to have initiated its own prostate cancer research projects. Malecare also seems to have been successful (according to their website) of getting $27million for Centers for Dsease Control prostate cancer research, in 2016 and 2017. Many nonprofit companies outside of the USA accept contributions for research. I think donating to outside the USA nonprofit research funders is a good alternative, though without tax benefits for USA tax filers.
Well, according to ZERO they do fund some research-11.35%, but some goes to education and help for families... see below-
PCF gives over 80% to research....
I also give to MSK and MDA...
Once again, please tell me: 1) Who you give to and why they are better...
2) Explain in detail, how removing Trump and having Pence be President will result in a serious increase in funding for prostate cancer research.
I look forward to your responses...
Don Pescado
I give to LiveStrong and my local hospital. Happy, I answered your question. What are you, some kind of "tough guy," insisting that I respond? Or are you one of these self proclaimed know-it-alls, who needs to have the last word on all conversations. I thought this was an online support group, where we can share ideas and help each other. You're making it into some sort of Olympic pissing contest and, from all of your posts, trying to monopolize. Or, I suppose you're going to play the "hero" card and say you are posting to share information and keep the community active. Well, whatever your game is, why not lay low and listen. I am sure you will want to reply, gather your rightgeous argument for having the last word. Maybe even have some other guys show their support for you. That's not great support group behaviour. I'm here because of the prostate cancer, not to give you support to massage your ego.
I offered my information and you said PCF and ZERO were not good to give money too... You could have said nothing or "it's personal" and I could have respected that info..
I like LIvestrong and most local hospitals struggle ... at least you are trying to help...
You seem bothered by the fact that you can not explain how impeaching Trump and putting in Pence will result in a significant increase in prostate cancer funding...
I am not in any kind of contest with you... You put out a post and I replied and it went back and forth ... Is that not what posting is about?
Not needing any ego massages... I do try and post information to help others and have civil discourse ... Not a "hero" but another crewman on this hell ship, the SS PCa, and if I can help a fellow crew person then I shall...
Whatever differences we may have, we still have this disease in common..
Don Pescado
I am NOT a resident of the USA. I have done business there for years before I retired in 2006. I feel VERY STRONGLY that politics should be absent from this advanced PCa community. PCa sufferers have enough stress in their lives. I had a PSA test last week as my urinary habits were slightly changed. I was a little stressed awaiting the result. Fortunately, my remission continues with my PSA still acceptably low.
Unfortunately, in the modern world they are inextricably linked, at lease for the vast majority of patients. In the US it can be a matter of life or death for many.
For example in the US there are many prostate cancer patients that end up being denied treatment because of the politics of the particular state in which they reside.
I think the problem arises in these forums when people bring to the discussion unrelated anger and resentments about grievances that have nothing to do with healthcare.
Hey everyone.
Unlike a lot of spammy postings, humor about nothing, or posts about country music, this post is on topic regardless of whether you agree or not with it.
Please be polite if you disagree. Please don't flame. If you have anger, please take it somewhere else.
Thank you in advance.
Who was impolite..?? I do not believe any of these replies are impolite...Please look at the information I provided....Funding is up to 100 million annually...from 80 million until 2016....
While funding for prostate cancer is ALWAYS on topic, I agree with AlanLawrenson and we should focus on developments, treatments, successes and failures, and not politics...
Because ultimately, if you are here...you, or someone you love has prostate cancer and it does not discriminate politically, racially--black people have it worse--higher percentage--thus my post on RESPOND, and not economically...
We are all stuck here folks until they find a cure... so the political action I endorse is calling your congressman or senator for more funding... I just don't see impeaching Trump will get us more research dollars...
All the best,
Don Pescado
Dear Chalegi
I see the relationship between Republican administrations and reduced medical care, funding and research.
I don't get the finasteride connection though. Please explain.
All I know is that I have an incurable disease that has taken so much from me. I can tell you that no political party is going to fix my problem, and in fact both sides scare the daylights out of me when they start talking about fixing anything that remotely has to do with healthcare.

Enjoy the conference this weekend, CRK2... Less politics and more fixing the problem sounds right...
Safe travels,
Don Pescado
I think the FDA heads need to be fired and replaced with some people that aren't in the pockets of big pharma.
Yeah man, that's just what we need: political prostate cancer.
Personally, you do a disservice to those who are fighting for our lives. --Edited by HU--
Dear all,
Please remember that the community atmosphere is crucial for the existence of this community. The main purpose of the community should be health support and information. If disagreement is expressed, it needs to be empathic and assertive.
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