I am currently on hydroxychloroquine and my doctor wants me to move to Methotrexate . I am stil getting hand pain and foot pain ect on the hydroxy.... The side effects of all these drugs terrifies me.. Anyone on Methotrexate and like it? Do you have more energy? Do you drink alcohol...Hair falling out...ext talk to me lol
Favorite RA drug? I have so much anx... - FieryBones - RA C...
Favorite RA drug? I have so much anxiety about trying a new one

Some 40 years ago when I first got RA the drugs regime tended to concentrate on one drug or another. It then changed to a trio of drugs in my case alendronic acid, MTX and hydro**. I take Hydro mon to Friday and Saturdays is Alendronic and MTX. These drugs effect individuals differently.
MTX currently 8 tabs work well for me and you should have lung function tests. Hydro means that you need eye tests and of course steroids can cause cataracts.
I Remember trying I think open in the early stages that had no benefit for me but someone I knew swore by it despite losing their hair and nails that drug was banned because of its fatal consequences.
With the MTX in tab form you start with a low weekly dose and slowly increasing it. You also should have regular blood tests - initially weekly.
No alcohol with methotrexate, but it is the next thing to try after plaquenil! If your doctor orders Radiology studies on your hands and feet, that will give a much clearer picture, in addition to your labs. Do you havea positive rheumatoid factor in your labs? It's important to stay on top of this disease,as things can go downhill quickly.