so update the rheumatologist says i do not have RA. He says i have no inflammatory markers and no swelling of joints. I do have severe fatigue and tender joints with stiffness that lasts all day as well as my podiatrist says classic RA in my feet. i feel defeated just dont understand and so tired of doctors. i have been scheduled for PT again for 3rd time in two years which has no benefit at all to me. they say it is osteoarthritis. mri of SI joints show narrowing of joints. Any suggestions?
update: so update the rheumatologist... - FieryBones - RA C...

Hi. I appreciatethe medical system is different in the US to the UK but I would be inclined to ask for a second opinion. When I first got it it was the other way round for me. My GP told me that I didn't have RA because of the markers and it was only when I went to see a Rheumatologist and he took one look at me that I was diagnosed with it.
I have been dealing with what my doctor refers to as a mixed connective tissue disease, possible RA or Lupus, for five years. It is chronic pain in the hamstrings, buttocks, and tendon issues in the hands, wrists, feet. RF 33, ANA positive and HLAB27. A rare find! I've been on DMARDS and biologics. Nothing was helping to any real satisfaction.But a friend told me about Low-Dose Naltrexone. It has been a game-changer. Read up on it. It is helping me immensely. A lot of doctors are still unfamiliar with it. I was prescribed it by a doc at Mayo.