Where in Scotland can I take my foster childr... - FASD Support
Where in Scotland can I take my foster children to have FASD identified?
I would start with your LAAC team, it makes a huge difference if your child has a history of parental alcohol use during pregnancy in their records. What age is your child does he / she have any of the facial features.
You begin by seeing your gp and they will make referrals to the right medics in your area
I have a written letter from mum to say she drank throughout her pregnancies but this is still not enough. The girls are under a paediatrician but she will not commit and give the diagnosis. The dept are in complete denial as they know this is the tip of the iceberg and there are many children in the system with FASD.
Suggest you see GP and ask for a referral too Genetic Clinic.
If having problems with Authority, dependent on age of child, child can use competence law in that every child is entitled too medical help in their own right , "guillick competence" . Have used it in practice and got a diagnosis , No one wanted a legal situation and backed off. may have spelt it wrong.
Did spell wrong "gillick competence" can Google, this used too be explained in fostering standards but can now only seen in small print, Our situation happen years ago, if you want too know more and of any similar situations
you will have too do your home work, sometimes a related diagnosis may be better rather than stigma, such as
a chromosomes disorder. ADHD. ADS. etc. FAS FASD Early interventions will work for all groups as are under the same Spectrum Umbrella as FASD, being the cause.