1 week into Bell's Pallsy - what to do next? - Facial Palsy UK

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1 week into Bell's Pallsy - what to do next?

Hannah_9 profile image
13 Replies


I am one week into being diagnosed with Bell's Palsy and nearly finished my 10 days of steroids, they have not said it was anything specific that started it. I am 32 years old and live an active lifestyle, I am unsure what is best to do. As i have read you should rest but then you should also try and carry on as normal, if anyone has any advice on what's best to do? As the unknown I feel is the hardest part and knowing what to do next. I am currently working behind my laptop home.

Thanks for you help


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Hannah_9 profile image
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13 Replies
WCole profile image

Hi there, I was diagnosed just over 2 months ago and like you, not sure what caused it. It was a bit of a shock!! I started doing facial exercises, but then my doc said to just let my face recover a bit before I started doing them. To be honest, I’ve not been religiously doing exercises. My face has naturally healed and it’s only my eye that needs to finish its healing. My eyelid is still not shutting entirely by itself and my eye lashes are not in the same direction as they were before! I am going to the opticians in a couple of weeks to see what she says, I’m guessing it’s just going to take time.

WCole profile image

Oh! I forgot to say, my work signed me off sick so I could just rest away from the screen. My eyesight was wonky and blurry from it. Plenty of drops (found Clinitas gel very good) during the day. Are you patching your eye at night?

Hannah_9 profile image
Hannah_9 in reply to WCole


Thanks so much, appreciate the message. Yeah I’m taping my eye shut at night and got gel eye drops for throughout the day.

Yeah my face feels tendor and getting pain behind my neck so it just gets uncomfortable. I’ve had the first week off work but the doctor has sort of encouraged me to go back next week.



Mrs_Ballroom profile image
Mrs_Ballroom in reply to Hannah_9

Pain behind the neck could be a bad sign. I was told I had BP (June of 2020) but I actually had ZSH, basically Ramsay Hunt w/o rash/sores. This is commonly misdiagnosed as BP therefore not properly treated resulting in an uncomfortable, not to mention quite annoying, neurological disorder called Synkinesis. Had I been treated with antivirals for at least 6mo my chances of full recovery would have been much greater. A basic blood test can confirm Shingles. Question: did you have intense ear pain around onset? Mine was 7 days after onset. Terrible pain, yet no sores this I continued to be misdiagnosed.

Justin Bieber had sores so he was properly diagnosed with RHS, he’ll get the right meds & all will be good.

If you do end up finding out it’s ZSH (fingers crossed it’s not), don’t let doctors tell you it’s too late for an antiviral treatment. They’re wrong. I luckily found top specialists that were able to help me. If you would like their info, lmk. They’re in the DC area but do Telehealth.

All the best to you!

Hannah_9 profile image
Hannah_9 in reply to Mrs_Ballroom

Hi thanks for the above.I did take antiviral tablets from the offset for the first week. The pain has started to ease over the last few days, I got some pain under my jaw for the first time but today this seems to ease. But if the pain continues I will make sure I chase up with the doctors as you mentioned.

Mrs_Ballroom profile image
Mrs_Ballroom in reply to Hannah_9

Leading physicians that specialize in RHS & ZSH recommend 1 yr of antivirals, prednisone until the pain is completely gone, calcium blockers to promote new cell growth & prevent cell death. You can find all of this information in the book Fix My Face written by top specialists in this area. I got my book on Amazon. I learned about it too late & now have a neurological disorder. You’re not too late though many docs will try & tell you that you are…

I did a Telehealth with Jodi Barth from The Center For Facial Recovery. She sent me right away to Michael Reilly MD from Med Star Health for a Telehealth.

Pain should be addressed ASAP. Even if you are lucky & it’s just BP, pain is an indication that you need to be thorough just in case. 🙏🏼❤️

Guitar789 profile image

Hi HannahFirstly sorry this has happened to you, I know it can be a scary time. I was in a similar position to you when I got it in Nov 2020 (Female 33, very active, WFH on computer a lot) and also after steroid treatment didn't have a confirmed phsyio/exercise plan. This website gave me a lot of comfort so hope I can return the favour. I was probably 85% back to normal within 6 weeks and fully by 12 weeks. Know this can vary for a lot of people but just been my experience.

The below worked for me if its at all useful:

- genuinely rest. I didn't take much time off work despite boss saying too and only when I found my eyes hurting staring at screens doing calls and work all day did I actually take time off, felt better for a big sleep!

- I didn't have anything in particular that triggered it but could also be stress, so slowed myself down a bit (I blame covid and overworking!)

- take photos each day doing movements, it was easier to see progress

- do facial exercises gently at first, daily/every other day depending on what feels OK. Sometimes I felt more sore so I just backed off. Follow your gut.

Hope you feel you're recovering soon x

Hannah_9 profile image
Hannah_9 in reply to Guitar789

Thank you so much, yeah I am finding patience and rest is key. Which neither I’m not very good a hahah. At what point need your mouth movement come back and is it just gradual? I have my best friends wedding at my 7 week mark which I am MOH at and I am unsure on what my smile will be like?



Guitar789 profile image
Guitar789 in reply to Hannah_9

I found podcasts a good one (I also cannot just sit still and feel I need to be doing something!) you can close your eyes but still feel entertained especially listening to comedy ones! I don't know how severe yours was but I think by 7 weeks you will largely be back to normal but also remember....no one else will notice! You are probably the only person that realises something is different and whilst it's more obvious at the start (I had many a dribble when trying to drink out of a water bottle haha) it didn't take long for it to just feel a bit 'stiff'. Every situation is different but that's why I liked to take photos each morning doing different movements as you can really see the difference.

Hannah_9 profile image

Yeah I was a messy eater before 😂😂. Thanks so much that’s really helpful, yeah definitely know what you mean about the stiff feeling.

robnapper profile image

Hi Hannah, I had ramsey hunt syndrome ,back in nov 2017, have you seen any improvement in your symptoms over the past 10 days

Hannah_9 profile image
Hannah_9 in reply to robnapper

Hi, my eye has started to try and blink now from day 12. Not fully but about half way, still not fully closing and I am taping at night. I am still having pain behind my ear and neck that comes in waves.

Mrs_Ballroom profile image

Check my comments from 7 days ago regarding the pain. It’s definitely nothing to ignore. Lmk if you have any questions after you read it. 🙏🏼

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