Walking is the most popular activity among EXI users, and each Wednesday we’ll share facts and tips to help you keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Even a short walk can lift your mood and help relieve stress. Here are three tips to maximise your mood on a walk.
1. Get outdoors – research shows that exposure to green spaces, even if it just a small patch of grass or trees, makes a big difference to our mental wellbeing. A lack of sunlight can contribute to feeling down, so getting out for a walk in the day can be a real mood-booster.
2. Get social – feeling connected to others is a fundamental human need, and walking with a friend or loved one helps us feel connected, and supported in our physical activity goals. Next time a friend suggests meeting for a coffee, how about suggesting a walk instead?
3. Get a bit breathless – light intensity walking is great for getting started, but Studies show that moderate to vigorous walkers experienced better mental health than light walkers. When your EXI plan includes moderate or vigorous activity, try to walk a bit more briskly, so that you feel a little bit warm and your breath becomes deeper, but you aren’t gasping and you can still talk.
Do you use walking to boost your mood? Tell us below how it works for you.