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10 Replies

Hello I would like to ask people if they identify tiredness and lack of concentration with there Epilepy/Meds

10 Replies
cherrelle6 profile image

I take Epilim and Keppra and find that I am always tired. I try not to have too many late nights and if I work an early shift I make sure that I take a power nap when I get home. My doctors have just said that this is something that I will have to deal with. I have just done a weeks detox which has given me more energy and I have even lost weight which I find hard to do taking this medication. The detox is called Juice Master.

ecossaise profile image

I certainly suffer from extreme tiredness for about 48 hours after a seizure - I am absolutely exhausted and usually sleep for most of the first day following one. On a daily basis, I certainly have less energy and get tired much more easily as well. I take 500mg of Lamotrigine daily .

I take both Carbamazapine and Phenytoin daily - 3 x 200mg. Carbamazapine, and 2 x 100mg. Phenytoin daily. I am constantly tired but if I sleep at lunchtime, I can't sleep at night. I'm also an early riser, i.e. 6.00 a.m. and usually in bed by 9.00 p.m. unless on the computer (Facebook) or catching up on posts. This is nothing new to me - medication definitely has an impact on one's body and system.

xyz123 profile image

A relation had excessive sleepiness on, as far as I can rememeber, Carbamazapine and was back to normal after a change of medication, which took a long time. This was some time ago so can't remember exact details; however it is worth a chat with your neurologist / epilepsy specialist.

happy48 profile image

I have been on Phenobarbitone, Epanutin and Epilim. All have made me tired. When I came off Epilim approx 5 years ago and started taking Keppra I felt as though I had a new lease of life. All the tiredness went. I am also taking Lamictal which hasn't caused any lethargy either. I always feel tired after a seizure

boxgrove profile image

i'm on lamotrigine and i find it really hard to sleep. i get about 6 hours but it is not continous sleep

buddhas profile image

My 9 yr old has been taking keppra for several weeks now and initially she was very sleepy but now its becoming very hard for her to get to sleep at night. She complains of feeling extremely tired but being unable to fall asleep.

Carley profile image

I take pregabalin(300mg) a day. When i was taking 600mg the tiredness really effected my life partically my social life. Now i am on half the dosage i am able to do more and even work part time as a teacher, unfortunately i am still unable to work full time. I am exhausted after working 3 days. I seem to also suffer with more headaches for some reason. I do also feel i am not the person i was, i often feel as though my brain has slowed down & I say a different word to what is in my head, this is worse when i am tired. My husband says that sometimes when i am tired i seem spaced out which i think must be a sure effect. Hope this helps.

Janelily profile image

I take Carbarmazepine at night and it helps me sleep.

Evangilene profile image

My daughter was prescibed Keppra and she had weeks of being unable to sleep so it was withdrawn as she could not cope with work. She has Phenytoin and Carbamazapine and manages but does feel weary after a seizure and has a splitting headache for nearly 24 hrs afterwards. But yes the A.E.Ds to create drowsiness. It really is trial & error until the right cocktail of drugs is found. Good luck

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