About my daughter..: Hi everyone, I... - Epilepsy Research...

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About my daughter..

Mands49 profile image
5 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have joined this forum as my 17 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with epilepsy following 2 seizures. What is horrifying is that I have just been sent articles about the number of girls who recently have been having seizures amongst other illnesses, following the HPV vaccine. My daughter, who until her epilepsy diagnosis was perfectly well, had an HPV vaccine 2 months before the first seizure. Possibly just coincidence - I hope so - but I would like to know if others have experienced this, and also roughly what ages are most common to get this disease. So far I have read it is usuallly young children and over 30.

Thank you in advance.

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Mands49 profile image
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5 Replies
Loobs profile image

Hi, my daughter was also diagnosed with epilepsy at 17 following 2 seizures. She is now nearly 22 and her seizures are yet to be controlled. This is scary reading as she too was perfectly well and she also received the HPV vaccine.

Mands49 profile image
Mands49 in reply to Loobs

Hi Loobs,

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's seizures and epilepsy. Do you know how long ago she had the HPV, (ie, when before her first seizure?). Obviously there may be many reasons why she has it, but if it is at all possible it recently followed the HPV vaccine, there may be a link (My daughter's started 8 weeks after second jab).

Just please google HPV and side effects. Be prepared for a week's crying, as I did. Not just for my daughter at all (it may not even be related), but for the THOUSANDS of girls who have had their youth scratched away, by debilitating side effects.

I am on a mission. I will not rest till our school at least, and GP stop pouring this poison down their throats. It is the biggest sacrifice these girls make, for the greater good. I, for one, do not believe I was asked if I would like my daughter to have epilepsy so others could not get, what is obviously, horrible cancer.

The literature apparently says that aluminium-sensitive girls should not be vaccinated. I never knew my perfectly healthy daughter was in this category... did you? Were you asked?? So sorry, Loobs, but I am furious and as many people as I can get to the better. Spread the word, parents must do the research before they agree to the Vaccine.

Very very best wishes. Please put your daugher on mineral water containing silica eg, FIJI -- it is meant to help take the aluminium out. You tube it...

Amanda x

Ronamac profile image

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 15, having not had the HPV vaccine. My specialist told me it was likely my epilepsy was triggered by changes in hormones at puberty. My specialist asked me were there other member of my family with epilepsy, had I hit my head recently, a whole host of questions. As to what could have caused my epilepsy and now, 10 years on we still don't know.

Mands49 profile image
Mands49 in reply to Ronamac

Hi Ronamac,

Sorry to hear that you still don't have the answers that you need. How frustrating to just be told it's hormones. Maybe my daughter's is too; we just don't know. Thanks for replying with regards to the HPV vaccine. I see there's a lot I need to learn about this.

Stay well,


AmyBadd profile image


I have a type of epilepsy called Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME), which often occurs around puberty. I had my first seizure around 2 weeks after my first period (aged 14). I am sure it is very hormone related.

If this truly is a side effect of the HPV vaccine, that is awful, but it must be an incredibly rare side effect that was not observed in clinical trials or I'm sure it would not have been approved for use on such a large scale (I am a pharmaceutical statitician, so I know a bit about these things). Remember, though, the scare-mongering around MMR and autism. The association between these has never been proved, and with the millions who have been given the vaccine, it would have been if it were there, but a lot of children have suffered because they were not given the vaccine.

Please make sure you and your daughter are fully informed when you are considering medication options. Several anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) raise the risks of foetal malformation in pregnancy, including the one I take, and now that I want to become pregnant, I have the difficult decision of what to do (it controls my seizures well, but without it, I have regular seizures). Try drugs that don't have such side effects first (thry didn't work for me, but they might for her). She might not want to have children for a long time, but it is best to avoid the issue if you can.

Also, be aware that some people grow out of epilepsy. My sister-in-law was diagnosed at a similar age to me with similar symptoms. She has been completely drug free for a couple of years now (we are 28) and driving for a lot longer than that.

Best of luck


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