M son is on carbamazepine tablet. He... - Epilepsy Research...
M son is on carbamazepine tablet. He is very moody and angry, all they say to me is that he is a normal teenage but I don't think so.
Hi ryan1234,
I myself take Carbamazepine 2 tablets of 200mg at night 30 minutes before going to bed. Yet I am rather confused in what you are actually seeking advise about? Suggestion maybe?
Are you saying your son is moody and angry after taking the medication?
Please read the possible side effects - has he only just started this medication? it takes time for the body to adjust to a new drug.
or maybe your son is allergic to this drug/ hence the mood swings, then seek professional advise.
Hope this is of use?
Carbamazepine affected my son badly. He seemed to be racing on it and would flip into uncharacteristic hyper rages of wheeling and shouting. On Lamictal this did not happen. Adding Keppra made him moody, irritable and self loathing but at least without the rages.thankfully this has settled down. You know your son. With my son it was not normal teenage behaviour!
Chimbelina Hi,
Many thanks for answering what I am sure he needed to read, I only answered him purely as he was not receiving any responses and as you have read I take 400mg at night - it wears me out so I can sleep - yet I am in my 50,s and can easily visualise young people struggling with the drug and reacting like yours does.
Thank you once again. Care and Best Wishes.
That's a pleasure. It's hard for young people who were previously healthy and care free. My son is now 19. First tonic/clonic at 14. How old is yours? I am also in my 50'a and get pretty worn out. At least if you both know that it's the medication and that he is not becoming an awful son you can both look at ways of defusing the situation and can be more forgiving! Sometimes in the heat of the moment this is hard to to do.
Take care of you both
I have been on Carbamazapine for years, together with Phenytoin. Three tablets x 200mg. are taken daily. Apart from the odd bit of drowsiness, this medication has done me well and I am well controlled now. Perhaps it's an adjustment into his system if he is new on the medication, or it could well be an allergy together with stress over having epilepsy at his age. My epilepsy started at 16, took many years to find the correct medication and also took patience and understanding. I am now 55 years of age and have had epilepsy for 39 years.
I am also a teenager! And I had an awful experience on carbamazepine, infact my doctor said it was the worst reaction she had seen to it in 20 years if being a doctor haha! The interesting thing was, that my personality completely changed, but I was unaware. My friends and family said I became very withdrawn, moody, didn't care about anything and just wanted to sleep and mope around all the time. My mum knew I wasn't myself, and my nurse also suggested the "usual teenage behavior" excuse. Keep pushing your doctors about it if you are concerned
All the best x