Hi may sound a silly question.. I wan... - Epilepsy Research...
Hi may sound a silly question.. I want to purchase a medic alert bracelet and am not sure what information I need to prioritise.
I never had a proper medic alert bracelet, but when my epilepsy was bad, I used to wear a dog tag around my neck with my name and "I am epileptic" written on it as well as my home phone number, so that if someone found me fitting or having had a fit, they could contact my family. Luckily it was never needed, though.
Hope this is of some help
It doesn't sound silly. My just says Epileptic & my parents home no plus my husbands mobile number. I used to have one with my medication on but then that changed so now it just says epileptic. I do carry a card in my purse though with my medical details, just incase. Hope that helps x
Hi Georgi04,
I wear a Medic Alert bracelet constantly. Details on the bracelet:
'Grand Mal Epilepsy. On medication.' The telephone number of Medic Alert Organisation is given on bracelet, with a registration number.
Other cards carried in my purse give more details of medication I am on, together with husband's telephone number and a friend in the case of emergency. Any time your details change or medication is altered, it is vital that Medic Alert Organisation change your records too.
Hi, i have a dog tag type bracelet which cost about £26. however the advantage is it is for motorcyclists which medics in england(sorry no idea where this email is going too ) look out for and it is called TAG ICE(in case of emergency - which has a USB incorporated into it so you can store all medical information , a picture of yourself and a private area for any other info (this last ineeds a code word- so make sure you make a record of it somewhere as if you lose it you will need to buy a new one (i have a mind like an absentminded goldfish))and is a very very robust piece of kit (mines at least 4 years and still ok) cheers
I have a medical alert bracelet which includes:
My name
My type of epilepsy
My date if birth
My parents contact number
What I am allergic to
thanks where do I get one from?