iam on carbomzepine but tired all tim... - Epilepsy Research...

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iam on carbomzepine but tired all time suffer memory loss. what can i do to stop this.i cannot perform i class like i used to. help please

liljaks profile image
10 Replies
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liljaks profile image
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10 Replies

Hi, sorry to read news about tiredness and loss of memory. I am on Carbamazapine and Phenytoin, which I have been on for years. It does make you tired, and has an effect of memory loss. I was constantly tired until I spoke to a Doctor recently. He has put me on Vitamin B. Co Forte as an added Vitamin/Supplement, which has helped a great deal. Try it and let me know how you cope. It's worth a try!

Hooble profile image

My daughter who is 8 is on this medication. It has stopped her seizures but it does make her tired and she easily forgets things. We make sure she takes a really good multi-vitamin which has all the right things for brain function. B vitamins, manganese, etc.. I think it helps. So perhaps a vitamin would be a good idea. She takes the Nature's Plus Animal Gold ones. they do them for adults as well.

McAdoo profile image

I am on Carbamazepine too and like you can feel extremely tired (often at the most inconvenient times too) and have now got a poor memory when it used to be pretty good before. I had to give up doing an Open University degree because a week after writing an essay I would have completely forgotten all I'd learned. It is so so frustrating. I don't have any solutions I'm afraid but just thought I'd let you know you're certainly not on your own with these side-effects. I see others have suggested vitamins - I'm certainly going to give them a try. Hope they work for you if you're going to try them.

Good luck


Carley profile image

Carbamazepine was the first medication my consultant put me on. I too was tired all the time & very forgetful & emotional but after seeing my consultant he realised it wasn't right for me he decided to swap me to another. He weaned me off it gradually and into another in the course of a month. I strongly suggest you contact your consultant. I hate to say it but Carbamazepine is one of the cheapest types of epilepsy medications out there. I now take pregablin which can make me a little tired, I think they all do that a little but it's the best one I've ever been on. I really feel for you but please, please see your consultant & don't give up, things will get better. Good luck x

EpilepsyInst profile image
EpilepsyInstPartnerEpilepsy Research UK

Hello there, just a note to say that whilst there is no conclusive evidence that vitamins interact with anti-epileptic drugs, there have been some instances where this appears to have been the case. It's important, therefore, that you consult your doctor before starting vitamin supplements if you are taking an anti-epileptic drug.

daisyd profile image

Hi I have no idea of your medical history but I have Hughes syndrome, Antiphospholipid syndrome, sticky blood, I also have Epilepsy and take 600mgs Lamotrigine,. My memory is terrible and I am always tired,

The worse thing is that my memory fog has cleared since I was diagnosed with Hughes syndrome still have parts of my memory that I can't remember.But I am so much better now I am having the treatment needed.

My neurologist never tested me for this condition although I had several blood clotting events DVT, Pregnancy problems, Heart attack.

The best thing if anyone on here has had such problems is to ask their neurologist, have a look on the site here first.

It probably won't be, but I just wish I had known about it before

Carbamazapine and Phenytoin have worked on me for several years and I wont change. If any change of medication is made, or vitamins started, speak to your Neurologist or GP first... I also take MenaCal7, which is a great Calcium, Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 supplement. Since taking Vitamin B6 Forte, it certainly has helped the energy level. Wishing you well should you change your medication.

haydn74 profile image
haydn74 in reply to

I too have been on Phenytoin for over 25 years, and it mcontrols my seizures to nil. That is worth all to me, and would not change for any gp. I am 62 and told my gp I was too old to go messing aroundmwith different drugs, as stress and worry about whether they would work as well would do me no good at all, and cause problems. I too, would see the gp before taking anything else, as it may not have a good reaction to the epilepsy medication

craftygeek profile image

I demanded to come off carbamazapine after it affected my joints, energy levels , memory etc....

Tried lamotragine - allergic rash.

Now been stable for over two years on 500mg keppra twice daily and 50mg Zonegran twice daily.

Sometimes it is trial and error. I am unlucky in that my system is sensitive to drugs and now many other things but there is nothing wrong with starting with the cheapest common treatments if they work well for you. It is only if you develop problems that you need to discuss with your doctorswhether there is an alternative treatment.

Good luck.

Rosalia profile image

I had so much trouble with carbamazepine, and I had to prove to my doctor that it wasn't right by putting up the dosage, which of course made life unbearable! I then went to see my doctor and she said I had the worst reaction to carbamazepine she's seen in her 20 years of being a doctor. My point is, that unless you push the doctors and keep on telling them its not right, they won't do anything. Talk to your doctor, carbamazepine doesn't work for everyone! I'm now taking lamotrigine and have had no problems, everyone is different xx