How many seizures are you usually hav... - Epilepsy Research...
How many seizures are you usually having?
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When you say seizure are you including myoclonic activity while surfacing from sleep and the odd twitch/single spasm during the day?
If it is any activity I have to click 'very frequent' but he only has secondary generalized T/C every 2-4 months

I'm incredibly lucky - since a change of meds in May 2011 I've been completely seizure free! Fingers crossed it continues
feeling really low at moment,glad ive found ur site (by accident) my specialist changed my medication again i have temperol lobe seizures ,absances & occasional tonic clonic seizures ,only been on new dose aded to my other 2 med n feeling crappy ,missed 2 apptment feeling groggy just cant get up in a morning ( not me can get up easily normally ) but cant do this at mo .called my nurses mon still awaiting a call back .just feel so fed up